The heavens rumble with the anger of the gods, the sky is not obnoxiously bright and chipper, the rain patters on the roof calmingly. Exquisite.
I for one really enjoyed the Year of Mandated Introversion
I have no idea why anyone would ever think "hey you don't match my negative stereotypes about x" would be an ok and sensible thing to say, really with regards to anything, not just autism, sexuality etc.
eughhhhhhhhhh upvotes
Lmao that sounds hideous, thanks for sharing!
"Five to ten second ads are already normal what is thi- ... oh. Yeah I see what they're upset about."
Wow, I had no idea autism as a diagnosis was so recent.
✨~Anyone can be a wife if they truly believe hard enough~✨
"The gall they have to try to call me at 11 am! Don't they know I'm trying to read?"
Me, still trying to get myself to reply to my friends 3 months later.
...I think if I lived in a previous era I would be described as a hermit.
I'm more of a "do you think if I concentrated real hard I could make myself blink out of existence?" kinda girl myself :p