Flashlight for now, but I really want it to bring up the Apple TV remote. Maybe someday
Technically multiplication is just division by the inverse so math has that case covered too
You can also lick off the bitter coating if you’re into that kind of thing
Tenerife, the pic doesn’t do it justice but it was just the greenest, most quintessential “island life” type place. And they had the best octopus I’ve ever had. Definitely going to revisit it at some point.
You owe me ten cents every time this gif is played
I read once that if you’re trying to get some creativity juices flowing, removing unnecessary details will allow for more abstract thought. Like “write a story about an ogre” would lead to very different stories than “write a story about an ogre doing pushups”, even if the latter is probably arguably more funny.
So that was my thinking here about being a bit vague, I was specifically talking about tankless water heaters which got us on the subject though.
Thank you, I love the internet. Was discussing this with my roommate and didn’t know where else to ask!
This picture sent my household into a frenzy
The discount in price is the only benefit of the two year plan from what I saw. They can offer this discount because they can get the lump sum of money in one go. This is the idea of the time value of money, a lump sum now is greater than an equal amount later.
It makes little sense to offer a month to month plan at the same price with a contract in place, because now there’s the overhead of the contract on top of everything else.
So your best option is likely to stick with the month to month price, unfortunately.
Yeah it is ersatztv, you basically need a gpu for the ffmpeg encodings though. It’s fun if you get it to work, I have my face appear every hour at the bottom of the screen like a network logo.
Wow it works, this is awesome! Thanks!