but removing the limited number of rolls would backfire
I'm not sure what you meant by that. You as the GM are still in control because you are the one that calls for tests. So you can limit them if you feel they are trying to keep rolling for everything. In my opinion the presentationis different but the game is not that different from other more traditional games.
If you think about it the GM turn is just the regular fantasy adventuring phase with the Player turn being the part where the GM let's the players relax and recuperate, like when they are in a town or making a camp. The only difference is that the game thinks that the adventuring phase should be mostly narration with 4-8 rolls to solve it all and maybe one conflict and that the players phase should be dependent on them roleplaying their characters as they made them in the adventuring phase.
But it might also just not be a good fit for you and your group.
I didn't get it because it has a reputation of being extremely crunchy. So maybe if you like that level of crunch you should probably get it. I hear the world building is pretty good.