
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 2 years ago

I think that maybe the lesson I'm learning in these last few years (through the misadventures of others), is that trusting platforms with your livelihood is not a very good idea. It's just too fragile.

I'm OK to use them as a tool, but whatever business I build must be able to survive suddenly losing access.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Interesting, I've never thought of doing it exactly this way. Usually I see high surface area PIN junctions used to detect particle impact either by reverse biasing the junction or by directly measuring induced voltage. The amplification stage is not so easy. This is for particle counting and energy measurement though.

What kind of radiation are you measuring? Gamma I guess?

I guess the first thing that comes to mind is that for a given signal, as Vgs increases perhaps the on-resistance at a given voltage does too? If so, it might be easy to measure the voltage drop across the MOSFET on resistance and how it changes with dose.

If I think of anything else though, I'll let you know!

Edit: I suppose you could also use an R/2R network to provide an increasing voltage to the MOSFET base, and measure the point where the output reaches some threshold, a direct measurement of Vgs. That should be pretty easy using one full output port of an Arduino and one of the ADCs.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Hm, digging through my ancient tomes of questionable origin, I can see a reference to this circa AD 220 when Cao Cao annoyed a Daoist immortal. He was also mildly infuriated at the time, because he had just shipped all the oranges quite some distance from Wu to Wei and was looking forward to enjoying them.

So the only advice I can give you, is that if a stranger offers you a drink soon, ask them to drink half first. If they take a jade hairpin and use it to part the liquid, and proceed to drink the left half, they will be annoyed if you fail to drink the other and will turn your porcelain into a turtledove, then also give you a painful and fatal curse.

If you drink it, it's either poison or something that makes you live 500 years. The legends never clear that part up.


I'm sure someone was complying maliciously here, but I'm not sure who.

Everything in the store was on 'sale'. What they do is mark up the price, then discount it back to the normal price. For every single item in the store. So there are hundreds of these little printed standee signs everywhere next to each little thing.

Looks like management forgot to define a markup+discount to an item, and a programmer and/or sales staff just abided by the ridiculous 'everything must be on (fake) sale' directive.

[–] 5 points 2 years ago

I immigrated to Vietnam in 2012. Even though government and society was much more welcoming than this case, the overall experience was... not that different!

Maybe immigration is just a pretty awful experience overall.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

If pregnant xor not pregnant return true

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Cloud vps with debian. Then fix/update whatever weird or outdated image my vps provider gave me (over ssh). Then setup ssh certs instead of password. I use tmux a lot. Sometimes I have local scripts with scp to move some files around.

Usually I'm just hosting mosquitto, maybe apache2 webserver and WordPress or Flask. The latter two are only for development and get moved to other servers when done.

I don't usually use containers.

I'm better at hardware development than all this newfangled web stuff, so mostly just give me a command line without abstractions and I'm happy.

[–] 3 points 2 years ago

Ooh, this is a great idea. I could use a zener diode and a pregnancy test to make a test that reverses the result half the time, depending on electron-tunelling.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Yes for sure! I think most people would conclude that as well, if they've used any form of control/test strip before.

Certainly Covid made us all familiar with that!


This is sometimes my example for 'why paying attention to documentation is important'. I didn't take the photo myself, a colleague sent it to me years back.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

Reminds me of Japan where the sink is often the tank of the toilet. When you flush, water comes out the faucet to refill the tank, and so you save water by using that to wash your hands.

Except, well... the Japanese idea makes much more sense I guess.

[–] 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Haha I run a Vietnamese company! Warranty covers repair or replacement only!

Although typically these warrantees are quite good and last for years here. So here are your replacement facts!

Dhivehi, the old written language in the Maldives, looks really cool. Seriously, look ít up.

The local food was... Mostly tuna. Since I was eating with the construction crews, that meant tuna for every meal. Fresh tuna, curry tuna, and best of all, dried tuna jerky. Never seen dried tuna jerky before or since, but I would surely buy it if I did!

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (3 children)

The real kicker was they were like 30$. I was sent there to see some construction for a few days, I was barely able to afford a fridge magnet!

Fun facts: on some islands there, there are biting caterpillars that drop down on you from the trees. Before an island is fumigated, humans are typically the only large animal for the mosquitos to target -- so they are very aggressive!

[–] 4 points 2 years ago

There are a few started on different servers, but I set one up locally. Normally I spend some time on Reddit answering questions from travelers &c as a bit of a public service, but with Reddit becoming boring, I figured I'd give that a try over here.

Vietnam is a friendly but notoriously opaque place, so there is usually no shortage of questions 😄


So I once made the mistake permitting a client to store some (say a dozen) boxes of financial records in my home for a couple of weeks. By 'permit', I mean they just dumped them there, and I didn't physically restrain them from leaving. This is in Vietnam, where you are required by law to keep your corporate records for 35 years. The government already had a copy of these records, this was the company's copy. It's things like tax invoices, contracts, audits, expenses, and so on -- you hold on to them to protect yourself from incorrect claims.

Two weeks turned into over a year, they had accumulated quite a collection of unpaid invoices, and I had halted all work for them long ago. Needless to say, I was not pleased with the boxes all over my house and the lack of responses about it. As you may know, in Vietnam our houses are not so big -- I think mine is under 25 square meters. So this was beyond absurd.

Eventually, I was gloriously told "to just do whatever", in writing. So rather than go to the dumpster, I sold the boxes of paper to a scrap dealer for VND 10,000 (about USD 0.50 at the time). Not because I'm petty or anything -- it's important to recycle and save the planet, right?

Fast forward a couple of years, I see their company license has been revoked -- they failed to pay some tax or other. Probably because they didn't keep any records to work out what taxes to pay...

If the director ever steps foot in the country again, newer laws permit the authorities to withhold their passport until taxes are paid -- and the authorities can quote any amount they want, since they have the only copy of the financials :)

I see no need to volunteer that particular piece of information. Time makes fools of us all, but some people faster than others.

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