Inflation being a major cause is definitely on my mind, too. For the past decade basically everything has experimented with becoming a subscription service, and if people aren't doing so hot on their monthly budgets they're going to start looking for things to cut.
I'm also always changing this first, so i agree with the change.
Have you tried cleaning it? If that doesn't fix it then that sucks, I have a gameball and it's smooth as ice.
Trackballs are the most cultured choice, although I wish I could buy one that's huge like the one on that golf game that used to be in arcades.
trackball gang trackball gang trackball gang
It's so weird that everybody knows how bad propaganda is and yet we let corporations do it to us hundreds of times per day every single day.
I thought I was going crazy, but no this exact guy had almost this exact same conversation with almost the exact same people back in March of last year.
There's a guy who was really into bread who wrote a whole book about this.
Makes sense to me, AirBNB is just one piece of the puzzle, get rid of them and they'll just sell their investments to a different group that's driving up prices. You've gotta completely overhaul home ownership and the housing market such that it exists in order to make speculative investment no longer a thing if you want to actually solve the underlying problem.
I was thinking Kung Fu Chess