most Poketubers
there's this weird conundrum where a lot of Pokemon fans are older, mostly in their 20s, but the big name Poketubers almost universally aim for kids as their prime demographic
like that's fine and all, but why are you aiming for kids when you're playing a Professor Oak challenge, or something stupid hardcore? show the kids the shiny Rayquaza, show me your 900+ hour save file
also the ones that aren't aimed at kids are usually pretty low quality, sorry Johnstone, sorry Bird Keeper Toby, sorry Absol Plays Pokemon
went to an international boarding school that had a very diverse spectrum of political beliefs
I was in the school's pride club, and my senior year this very charismatic kid, Ken, joined. Ken was an international student
we start our first meeting, and Ken is a vibrant member of the group. but he's saying some very... odd things. he's talking about how gay people are mentally ill and need to be helped, lotsa fun stuff
the club leader very patiently pushes back on him on this, and eventually asks "well it's not like any gay people are here now, right?"
... he didn't come back after that meeting