Looks like emo spiderman.
Where do the Hyperion books fit on this graph?
40k Noise marines in a nutshell.
Reverse hover cars the fans blow up.
I have a rock that keeps away sharks and bears if your interested in buying it, I've always had it and have never been attacked by either thus proving it works. /s
Step 1. Release Steam Deck. Step 2. Release Roadmap. Step 3. ...
If YouTube ads were like the ads on Pornhub, 30 seconds long and skippable after 5 seconds, I would be OK with ads these 1min at beginning and same in the middle for a 10min video is just ridiculous.
I did for a few years there would try rush through games and didn't realise that's why I wasn't enjoying them. Now especially with story driven games I take my time, shut off my second monitor which usually has YouTube or a series playing and pay attention to the game have enjoyed it more than I thought, maybe I'm just getting old.
The Holy Spirit ain't got a pen!
Just my 2 cents but could be the extra 2 Billion people in the world since release. When wow came out internet wasn't as widespread and fast as now, as well as anyone buying into wow after the 2nd or 3rd expansion might have trepidation with the sheer amount of content.
They're called speed holes Flanders.
Are the gaps between the bricks there for a reason? I would have thought the support for the arch would have come from them touching more then just the mortar.