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[–] Tarte@kbin.social 6 points 9 months ago
[–] Tarte@kbin.social 9 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Was ist denn das für ein Quatschkommentar? Die EU gab es bei der Gründung des Europarats noch nicht. Die EU wurde selbst erst Jahrzehnte später gegründet. Sie hat den Europarat 1949 nicht gegründet.

Das zeigt eher deine Denkmuster als ein etwaiges Fehlverhalten der EU.

Gesetze verabschieden tut der Europarat auch nicht. Das ist eine Menschenrechtsorganisation. Er hat auch viel mehr Mitgliedsstaaten als die EU.

[–] Tarte@kbin.social 12 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

Please do note the official warnings of the BFS (Federal Office for Radiation Protection). Contamination of forests with Caesium-137 is a health risk in many southern Bavarian forests. It's half-life period is 30 years. The disaster was in 1986. That means it's still roughly half of it there and the layered forest grounds preserve radiation well.

If you're a mushroom forager on vacation in southern Bavaria - just don't do it. Or at least inform yourself which types of mushrooms you shouldn't eat in particular for radiation reasons.

General information and warnings (2022):

Specifically regarding mushrooms (2019):

[–] Tarte@kbin.social 10 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

Spain is already phasing out nuclear energy currently and Sweden wants to do it after sufficient renewables are built. Among many other states.

Nuclear is just not profitable compared to renewables. France is exporting at a loss if one would consider all associated costs (privatization of profits and socialization of losses is creating bad incentives).

[–] Tarte@kbin.social 11 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (7 children)

There are still large areas in southern Germany where you’re not allowed to eat wild mushrooms and every boar that is hunted must be tested for radiation. That is because of the fallout from Chernobyl 38 years ago and 1400 km away.

[–] Tarte@kbin.social 136 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (53 children)

The article is badly researched.

This “red-green” coalition banned new reactors, announced a shutdown of existing ones by 2022

The red-green coalition did not announce the 2022 date. They (Greens/SPD) announced a soft phase-out between 2015-2020 in conjunction with building renewables. This planned shift from nuclear to renewables was reverted by Merkel (CDU = conservatives) in 2010. They (CDU) changed their mind one year later in 2011 and announced the 2022 date; but without the emphasis on replacing it with renewables. This back and forth was also quite the expensive mistake by the CDU on multiple levels, because energy corporations were now entitled financial compensation for their old reactors.

[–] Tarte@kbin.social 59 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (5 children)

"Germany" = a German bank
"seizing money" = temporarily frozen bank account until a legal dispute is settled

[–] Tarte@kbin.social -5 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

As a German it's fully in your right to disagree with the state and with the police (I certainly don't agree with everything that's going on). However, this comment of yours is distorting the reality too much, for my taste, to remain silent.

  • "terrifying state repression" = less public funding for some artists, more for others (not getting free money doesn't mean you're being "repressed")
  • "Berlin police has enacted checkpoints in immigrant neighbourhoods" = That did not happen. It is a myth.
  • "Politicians actively singling out activists on social media and redirecting insane amounts of hate their way." = Politicians responding in kind when you mention them in a tweet. They are humans and they are allowed to respond to you.
  • "to allow universities to exmatriculate students on behavioural grounds (aka political stances)." = Berlin trying to fix a legal loophole that prevents them from exmatriculating one student that physically assaulted a Jew for antisemitic reasons breaking his face bones. Outside of Berlin that would've been grounds for immediate exmatriculation within the existing laws.

I do agree with your general stance, but there is no need to exaggerate/distort the issues we're facing.

[–] Tarte@kbin.social 10 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

The German constitution makes no guarantee of free speech. It’s not a legally protected right there, and Germany is world infamous for not having free speech.

That's an internet meme and it is wrong. Germany ranks place 21 of 180 in the WPFI and rank 10 of 165 according to GSDI.

There is no state in the world with fully 100% free speech. Even in the USA there are limits to free speech; some are even considered criminal and some will land you in jail. What matters is what freedom of speech entails. Germany does very much have free speech - much more than the vast majority of countries on the planet. Meinungsfreiheit can be translated as freedom of opinion/expression/speech and is article 5 of our constitution as well as article 11 of the EU charta.

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