Almost all non-gender bathrooms I have ever seen are just single occupent restrooms. Would that be covered under the ban, or would their be more nuance than that?
“Not even in the face of Armageddon. Never compromise.”
I am not against the actual act itself. It's more the mindless routine many people partake and advocate for without questioning it in the first place. It's more a lack of critical thinking and understanding of the general public. Which I know is a criticism that goes well beyond this simple act.
They say anyone can cook. But that doesn't mean that anyone should cook.
I understand the idea of removing the basic dirt and grim that could still be left on the surface of the lettuce. But the idea that running the vegetable under the water has any help in sterilizing it has to be pseudoscience. Too many adults have this mentality that washing produce purchased from the grocery store drastically reduces your chance of food born illness. If your food is contaminated with harmful microscopic organisms in a food outbreak. I doubt washing it is going to change much.
So if you're talking top shelf, it depends on the nature of the personal care itself. Many of the best brands are often European in origin. Thou depending on the nature of the product, it can very.
When talking shaving cream, there's the top three in the U.K.. St. James of London, Taylor of Old Bond Street, and Truffit and Hill. I recommend Truffit and Hill as they are, in my opinion, the best. They hold a world record for the world's oldest barbershop and until recently had a royal warrant from the British Royal Family.
For soap, you have another British brand known as Molton Brown. They also have a royal warrant and are known best for their body care products like liquid body soap, shampoo, and conditioner. You also have the French body soap brand Pre de Provence, which makes great bars of body soap and some liquid soap at a more reasonable price.
For things like deodorant, things get a bit more tricky. While their are high-end brands that do operate in this business, it's usually not their main line of product. The men's grooming company, Jack Black, is best known for its deoterant. Thou I have to say that the nature of the industry of the product is starting to shift. While maybe not to everyone's liking. Their's a smaller start-up called Helmm that produces and sells refillable men's deoterant, which is the best deoterant product I have ever used.
I will have part-two listed soon.
Depends. Are you looking for the best on the market, or are you looking for quality while still considering price?
There's no need for any of that. There's plenty of higher-end grooming products marketed to both men and women, or even gender neutral, that can be purchased nowadays. And yes, if the price point is your greatest concern, it's a factor to consider. But shaving brands for men such as Proraso is great quality for the price point. Why more people settle for brands like Gillette when there are better products on the market at or even lower in price is beyond me.
This is a level of petty that people with too much time, money, or lack of true purpose in life have motivation to pursue.
On PC and Android, I don't know why everyone doesn't use Youtube Revanced. Both the normal and extended editions are better than even YouTube Premium through their website and official app.
That's because the nature of the marketing model has changed. Mcdonald's has shifted their marketing demographic to exclusively adults due to the decades of growing backlash and lawsuits over the nutritional value and predatory practices of targeting children. Among many other controversies. Of all the businesses in any industry, this is probably one of the worst examples to give.
Yes, their's truth from an architectural stance that does show a shift to contemporary minimalism. But McDonald's, while perhaps not the most inherently evil company in the world, at least by the amount of true harm they purposely do or the product they provide and those who voluntary choose to consume it. Is still a reflection of many of the United State's problems. Everything from issues concerning wages, labor relations, nutritional literacy, and lifestyle practices, to name a few.