Seems the problem is beyond finding a 'cure-all'. Multiple strategies will be necessary.
*is beautiful* 🍷🐧
You larp at being worthy of expressing an opinion.
Sure, but conservatives are by n' large, spineless cowards.
Waste someone else's time, bootlicker.
What a poorly manufactured take. The poorest among us are too busy gasping for air to take on the fight. We'll take all the soldiers we can, while you smugly continue comforting your pitiful ego.
Plant based diets are inevitable, if we are to continue existing as a species. S'ok tho, for they're delicious, healthier, and cruelty free. Isn't that nice?
Thread was about price of eggs. A comment said thankfully we don't have to eat eggs, which got you to a bizarre level of cross-eyed pissed. lol.
I did not realize morals were a forbidden topic, or that replying to a comment was a privilege reserved for yourself and people you agree with. Mkay.
Amusing projection, but I was more keen on offering a moment you might pause and reflect on how you're spending your time. I wish more people had, when I was an omnivore.
My, what passion. Hope you saved some for matters unrelated to enslavement/consumption of the innocent/defenseless creatures.
..which somehow doesn't include producing less garbage?