Chrome. ~pls don't hurt me~
Any thought on giving just an action camera which is not specifically gopro? I think you'll find plenty in 30€
You monster
USB stick should work just fine. If you scroll down on the instructions a bit it says insert your usb drive 8gigs or larger to flash Ubuntu onto.
Oh it's not a dumpling. It's jell-o. It's debated coz majority of those are made with some sort of pork byproduct.
For a low low price of 250$ you can buy the deluxe ultimate season pass starter edition of the game which includes only banner ads instead of video
Sensei, where can I sign up for such wisdom
Homie, there's literally a game called God Hand and you chose DmC smh.
Its a word play on "stationary" i.e. not moving and stationery i.e. writing materials.
I keep that turned off because the percentage dropping just makes me anxious throughout the day :(
Can someone explain? I'm too daft to get this :(