
joined 7 months ago
[–] Wawe@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago

Remasters look amazing but not worth the current price tag. I will just wait for the sale and reconsider.

[–] Wawe@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago

Thanks everyone with feedback and suggestions! I decided to go with Nextcloud (because I am lazy and in case I want to selfthost "Office ecosystem" for my company), but I will check out FileBrowser since it might be better fit for my needs than Nextcloud.


I want to selfhost cloud drive and looking for what would be the best option. I originally used Nextcloud, but it has a lot of features not related to file hosting so I would be interested in something simpler. I found out about Cozy Cloud (https://cozy.io) but there is really little info about that. Has anyone used that and how does it compare to Nextcloud?

[–] Wawe@lemmy.world 5 points 4 months ago

I second this! The game has really interesting idea and I have talked with developers and they are really awesome people.

[–] Wawe@lemmy.world 2 points 4 months ago

I had similar issues before but then I decided to try Other Danish Guy boxers. They are expensive but I realized that they are best clothing item that I own. I have recommend them to some of my friends and few of them also fell in love with them. They are much strechier than other boxers that I have tried and really comfortable to wear.

[–] Wawe@lemmy.world 1 points 5 months ago

My experience every month.