What are you going to feed them with?
This is really good stuff. I love short story anthologies and this was impressive. Thanks for sharing!
It's... A good-ish game in my opinion. Unfortunately, thanks to it's lack of polish, I'm at endgame with many hours in and have been hit with multiple game breaking bugs. These items can actually be fixed via console command.... Which then automatically disables all achievements. This can be fixed by a simple mod and.... At the end of the day, I want to play a game, not submit my resume to be a developer/tester to Bethesda.
Now.... Do the other 49 states.
Noooo. Sorry. Just a regular brute, I fear . I do comprehend sentence structure.
How the hell are we taking so many steps backwards as a species? "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!"
That's adorable. I assure you, it's actually quite profitable.
So, the core of his argument is clearly just a troll's attempt to get a rise out of everyone and I don't really want to engage any further with it because I have places to be today.
But what's been bothering me lately is that many of us, myself included, are acting like these are things that are happening to us, as if we have no agency in the matter. Perhaps, at this point, we don't. If the government isn't addressing our wishes, why aren't we fielding and voting for candidates that will?
Aren't you just adorable? : )
Did you even read the explanation part of the article???
Thanks for the grammar correction while ignoring literally all context though. You certainly put me in my place milord.