I played it for the first time in the Wii and it was so good, I completed it 3 times.
Child's Play
Good luck with the NIMBYs. Or NIMFYs now I guess?
At this point the only real choice of operating systems for people who want full control over their computer are Linux distributions.
I couldn't agree more with you, and the same can be said about most consumer devices. If you want a full control over any device, you are gonna get the best experience flashing a custom firmware. But manufacturers don't like it, they lose the telemetry data and revenue so they do their best to impede that.
AOSP is better but only if you're a dev
AOSP is the way android phones should be sold, and to have the option to escalate privileges in a terminal, so you can actually do some work without relying on Google Play Services + a 200MB app to send a file to your laptop. The custom vendor images should be something people can opt in to get a vendor locked dumbed down experience.
Of course, not a problem.
Enjoy all the delicious treats compa.
Lmao. No. Take for example the most popular smartphone in the world: the iPhone. Why isn't it cheaper? Also microwaves have gotten cheaper, I've heard they used to cost thousands in the 1970s and 80s.
Oh you can. Now whether they do it or not is a other story.
As a Mexican immigrant living in the United States for almost 8 years now, if that happens I go to my Mexico Mágico, fuck this cultural cleanse culture.
Approx. 200 years ago Mexico was in a similar position to what the United States used to portray until not too long ago, a pluricultural melting pot of different cultures from all over the world... It had just declared its independence from Spain in 1821, the 5 de Mayo war a few years later, brought French men who decided to stay after losing, Persian or Arabian immigrants brought what came to be the Taco Al Pastor, German immigrants residing in the port of Mazatlán brought the brass instruments, that now make up the regional music known as Banda, and the indigenous culture of the country combined with the influx of migrants developed one of the most intriguing and acclaimed cuisines in the world. Is the United States just gonna be like the UK 200 years from now?
When did microwaves get so expensive?
When households started having 3+ children who won't bother cooking. Idk if is a generational thing, but I've noticed most people my age won't even bother to learn how to cook SMH.
Paris isn’t really known for knife crime.
Yeah, isn't that London? Just be be mean; maybe an average American won't even know they speak different languages or that one is in England and Paris in France.
Como la mierda. Not to be fucked up, but I think it was a matter of time, also Mexico has plenty of lithium deposits that just got discovered in the last 2 years, so go figure.