It is. The other person is confusing it with Solaris, which is a Unix derivative based on a mix of System V Unix and BSD.
Solus is a Linux distro. You're thinking of Solaris.
Well, that's a bit shit. Guess I can expect an uptick in scam emails.
I tend to use either Newsboat or Elfeed. The first one is command line, the second is Emacs. So they're both text-based. Might not be precisely what you're looking for, but with the right choice of terminal font and easy-on-the-eyes colours, I find it a pleasant reading experience without distraction.
Not sure which change logs you're looking at, but both stable and current were updated yesterday. Current is most days, stable is usually a couple of security patches and bug fixes a week.
Yeah, it's good. Less focus on bleeding edge than Arch (which is good IMO), simple init system, really easy to compile stuff from source if you need to modify a package. Solid all-rounder.
Just upgraded on my laptop. Config didn't break, so that's something. I look forward to investigating the new features, sounds like I can probably refactor my init.el a bit now that treesitter and use-package are in the base.
Nice and clean! Mine's basically stock Xfce, but I like it. Absolutely my favourite DE, nice to see it get a little love.
We don't install packages without dependancy management, for the most part. We use one of the half-dozen or so pkgtools wrappers made by community members that interface with SBo and handles the dependencies for us (examples include slapt-get, slpkg, and sbotools). Also, Flatpak/Distrobox/Nix etc are all available and easy enough to install if doesn't have what I need (rare tbh).
Debian and Void (and Void is iffy. The TTY installer is easy enough though, and it's basically good to go out of the box if you get the glibc iso with Xfce). None of the other base distros are super user-friendly in terms of installation, though I'd add Endeavour OS as an honorary member of the group since it's essentially Arch with a good installer, a friendly community, and nice defaults.
Me too. I love XFCE so much, but it's impossible to deny how large a step forwards Wayland is on a technical level (although there are still kinks to work out). When XFCE moves over, I'll be able to confidently do so as well.
Doesn't work on Guix, or at least isn't in the repos and didn't work at all some time ago. Something to do with the way Plasma expects the files stem to be versus how Guix implements it. Nix makes it work so it must be possible, not sure whether anyone's bothered to port it over yet though.