
joined 2 years ago

@blender images of the input blocks, the geo node changes and the rendered version


own Voxel-Editor addon + geo node setup in #blender

it is a side project i did the last days for getting more comfortable with different areas in blender python.
I'm still working most of my time on the auto posing add-on but i think i am going to create a video where i go more in depth on this project.

the different geometry types(dirt, stone wall, etc.) are defined with auto assigned vertex groups and then go through different geo-node steps

#blender3d #b3d #gamedev @blender


i have a huge update on my progress implementing a auto-posing system in #blender

i also created a youtube video where i talk about how its made and how it works: #blender3d #cataclysmanimation #gamedev