
joined 2 days ago
[–] 1 points 33 minutes ago (1 children)

isnt trump administration funding israel and are approving of the current government?

[–] 1 points 36 minutes ago
[–] 1 points 37 minutes ago
[–] 1 points 41 minutes ago* (last edited 39 minutes ago)

Weird, on smartphone I saw all the posts.

Now on desktop and I dont, not even on the "guest" account on the left bar of my interface. But then I checked in icognito with the same link you provided and it worked

Whats my issue here. How can I get it to work on my account :/


[–] 2 points 50 minutes ago* (last edited 48 minutes ago) (1 children)

thanks this helped alot

EDIT: Since theres so many servers in different possessions, how do they keep afloat?

And is there like a (unified) medal award system (like silver, gold) for comments and posts on that note?

[–] 0 points 53 minutes ago (1 children)

Sorry Im very dumb and untalented...

I know you don't mean it like that, but everytime I login I go into the html? How do I automate it?

Sorry for bothering with my incompetence :D

[–] 2 points 56 minutes ago (1 children)

wow thats .... overwhelming .... I like it :D

[–] 1 points 1 hour ago

cool, looks like the old reddit layout. Thanks for sharing


There's a couple listed on fedditOrg's description, but now I wonder which interfaces you guys use and how to find all the options

Also are they limited to my account? As in I'd need to create a second lemmy account under another community like for other interface "skins"


Untalended guy in programming here.

  • Is there a way to change the flavicon(icon in the tab preview as I understand) to another fediverse platform?

I currently have "mouse in flag colors" as an icon based on feddit org. But I would prefer for example the feddit IT logo - orange mouse, clean design)

Is that possible to change with like tampermonkey addon or something somehow in a rather easy way? I have an addon called "TwitterBird" for Mozilla replacing all X logos with the old blue twitter logo

  • Or is there even a better way to accomplish this without creating an additional account to swap to all the time?
[–] 2 points 2 hours ago (3 children)

I an equally intolerant towards what's happening as European. (also im veeeery progressive)

But isn't calling them fascists more adequate? Since n%*is where distinct to an ideology vs jews for example.

I see that mr bust did the salute, but I've also seen an article about a neo fascism group called dark enlightenment. That should be the group we're talking about here.

Curious how you guys see it

[–] 9 points 2 hours ago

(Didn't read the article)

You're being detained by a foreign state and your country gets your back by "adjusting traveling recommendations"

haha I'm sure Germany is acting here but the summary reads funny


Whats the best way to take action for me as a single user? What kind of posts should I focus on making? Ive heard of fetching reddit posts, maybe I could do that if theres like an easy process to do so, I'd happily feed some communities I like with posts from the silicon valley mafia platform to this platform!

Also whats the name of this platform? I registered under feddit org, is the umbrella term called fediverse? Accroding to wiki then this(fediverse) should be linked to platforms like pixelfed and mastadon too, is it? How do I see content from them or in what way are these platforms interlinked with this reddit styled one?


I dont see any posts in this forum, is this a me issue? (sorry am new)

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