That's me. I bought it before he went straight crazy. I followed Tesla from a long time ago, but I'm on the side of when my car dies that I'll go with a different EV that has NCS charging so super charging network is available.
I work in the Federal Government, and this isn't true. You have alternative work schedules (4/10s, 5/4/9, maxiflex, etc.) but you're still going to work 80 hours unless you take leave. You gain annual leave every pay period and the amount is dependent on how long your federal service has been. But when you start (1-3 years) you only get 4 hours per pay period.
Maybe you're seeing people who have long federal service (15 years) that gain 8 hours/pay period use their leave. That's their choice but they're still working 40 hours on paper regardless.
71 wpm @ 91% accuracy with Gboard. Auto correct does some work on it though so ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I think this is talking about a remastered version. I have the game just haven't had the time to play it.
Lol. The PPP loans is where all the money disappeared to. Yes people got some money but it was spent for necessities, and to be honest it wasn't even that much. Some business got hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars that the government is still trying to recover which they probably never will.
Give your calendar agenda permissions to view your calendar? That's all I could think of.
It's it just me or I don't see a list just quotes?
Yep. I've never left Counterstrike and with CS2 that came back, friends from when I played when I was in college have come back to play so we've been playing. Story wise, I could get into it but there just isn't enough time and what time you have you're going to sacrifice sleep.
It's all about getting old.
Hah. I'm still running my MacBook Air from 2013.
Yeah! That's what I said when I saw the icon. It's just for Halloween though.
Nope. Never had it and probably never will.
Might want to scan your computer for spyware. I used to have that issue a long long time ago.