Link appears broken
Still pretty early depending on your part of the world.
I never understood how better equipment that is more ergonomically centric isn't something many eSports enthusiasts invest it especially at a professional level. Looking at that hurts.
Oh boy reddit humor making its way over here?
Same thing with baby seals on the beach! Leave them alone!
Wow definitely saving this. Thanks!
How much was it in previous years?
In terms of elder scrolls procedural generation, hasn't that only been the case for daggerfall?
I'm considering going this time around since it's close even though I'm not typically one for conventions. Do we think anything significant will be shown? Makes me also want to make a list of some of the best years for a live Citizencon vs some of the worst...
I don't fly cargo but the Hull C is looking real good!
Just try again. There's no approval as far as I'm aware the endpoint probably just timed out.
No latinx is also a language reform movement in Latin America which targets spoken and written Spanish.