Did they ever add gamepad support?
win2k really was the best windows. lots of people seem to like xp, but xp was just a bloated win2k
In theory, in the case of eminent domain you get the value of your home paid. In practice... its often not enough to actually buy a similar house.
This is getting more and more difficult, sadly. Almost all new housing development is done by corporate / bulk build, which are almost always governed by HOAs
Amen.. never buy a house in a HOA if you plan to actually keep and payoff said house. Even if its a "good one", they can and do change. All it takes is a vote for your $50/mo HOA to become $1000+/mo because they want to build a golf course or do custom street signs and a pool or whatever.
This absolutely annoys the heck out of me.
I didnt have access to good internet, this was back in dial-up era in the 90s and even though my pals had 56k, I was still on a very spotty 33k modem. I bought "Corel Linux" on disc(s) from Costco. It wasn't particularly great, but I definitely learned a lot about getting linux to play nice with hardware!
This! Manjaro is most of the benefits of Arch (which SteamDeck runs) with easier installation and stability for common end users. One thing to note is that Nvidia drivers still suck on linux. You can make them work, but AMD cards tend to be pretty much plug and play these days
On top of the other posts, archive.org is involved in a major lawsuit and its theoretically possible it would be forced to shut down depending on how big the copyright violation fines end up being, among other things.
Speak for yourself. I've been majorly burned out on super hero movies.
Maybe they should let us turn off the absurdly overdone motion blur...
So, you're kind of correct. However, you CAN make profit by acting as an 'organizer' for the charity event, where the charity pays you the money as a service, but directly gets the donations. See: Games Done Quick, which is a for-profit LLC that the various charities they 'support' pay them to put on the event. Of course, this number naturally is likely to end up being a % of the last event's donations.