This is very different from docz or odt, but maybe its worth looking into converting markdown or latex to PDF with something like pandoc. Maybe that or some other more open and less complex format might help with this?
Like the other commenter said, we generally use the singular form. Though I have heard plural, usually to refer to Vlaamse frieten or Flemish fries. I believe in those cases it's generally meant to be a fun thing to say though
It's patat or friet in Dutch. I think it depends on region mostly?
As a kid I used a metal tool to cut a live wire 220v-240v wire and besides getting scared by the jolt I was fine. Probably because the protection circuits kicked in
Hetzner storage boxes look really compelling. Thanks for sharing!
I've heard of tools like that, but this works fine for me. This way I'm not dependent on it being packaged for my distro and having to install it through other means. I'm fine running things manually, this is just for convenience
I don't think I've posted it before, but here it is. If you use different utilities you'd have to swap those out. Also excuse the comments, I had GH Copilot generate this script
My update script handles mirrors, updates and cleans the cache automatically. I'd definitely recommend creating one. It's aliased to sysupdate for me and I also check if it's a debian or arch based distro so the command works on my servers and desktop
Very interesting, might have to check that out sometime
That looks really interesting! Does this exist for other languages like Rust?
I just scroll past those. I have set my XDG dirs which helps. If I were to reinstall it would be back once I have everything I need
Is that 23mx23mx23m or 23 cubic meters?