
joined 2 years ago
[–] bstix 10 points 8 hours ago

They're looking for yes-men, who will be loyal to them in even the worst possible situations. Heiling is just a test to weed out anyone else.

Also, the heiling gesture came a little too natural to them.

[–] bstix 1 points 12 hours ago

In the photo, his head is tilted a little more forward. Perhaps from leaning or sitting or whatever. Anyway, it causes the upwards eye roll for him to look straight ahead.

In your painting his face appears more straight vertically and the eye position is looking weirdly upwards.

[–] bstix 6 points 21 hours ago

Please remain seated until the seat belt sign is turned off.

[–] bstix 4 points 1 day ago

Jeg har set en del regneark fra forskellige offentlige myndigheder (Erhvervsstyrelsen, Skat, Danmarks Statistik), som næsten altid indeholder input validering af en slags. Skjulte ark, låste celler og VBA kode, osv.

Det kan sikkert sagtens laves i LibreOffice, men det vil blive vanskeligt finde nogen til at lave det, og det forudsætter også at modtageren (private virksomheder) bruger det, hvilket de ikke gør. Det offentlige er ikke toneangivende på software.

På det punkt er f.eks. Norge foran os. Der kræver myndighederne at man indsender i et standard format eller alternativt indtaster manuelt i deres web formula. På den måde kommer de helt udenom at være afhængig af brugerens software. Danmark er på vej i samme retning, men der er mig bekendt ingen faste deadlines for hvornår det bliver et krav at benytte standard formater, og jeg frygter også at vi på bedste danske manér vælger at tilpasse og udvikle en ny standard istedet for at bruge en "hyldevare".

Det er måske en ting som er bedst at løse på EU-niveau.

[–] bstix 7 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Jeg var inde og se Regan Vest tidligere på ugen. Heldigvis var det ikke os som blev fanget derinde ved strømafbrydelsen i går.

Anyway, det kan klart anbefales. Super spændende.

[–] bstix 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

The voters from DF mostly switched to other populistic right wing parties. In total very few voters moved across the middl, even if the middle has moved further to the right.

People are being polarized more which is exactly the intention with the foreign propaganda. So, no, Denmark did not solve the problem.

[–] bstix 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Math is off.

He makes 30% more than her. If she makes 100, he makes 130. The total income is 230.

Her income is 43% of that (100/230) and his is 57% (130/230).

[–] bstix 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Why does it have to be static in the first place? Why not just let them contribute what they can, when they can, since the money’s not tight?

Who is to decide when and what they can pay then?

It's also as much about determining the disposable income. If she has a different opinion on what is reasonable to spend on other things that could easily become a can of worms.

"This is what you need to contribute to the household, whatever you do with the rest of your money is not my issue" is much better than: "Hey, I know you're low on cash but maybe if you cut back on lattes, avocado toast, gambling, booze and cigarettes, we would be able to pay the bills."

In reality, the fixed amount isn't very fixed anyway. If one part can't pay, it's still unlikely that the partner would kick them out. But as long as money isn't that tight, it's simply better to allocate a fixed amount to the household, so the money isn't disposable for random spending, so they don't risk overspending or increasing expensive habits.

This isn't just to curb the costs, but also to avoid the situation in which one part becomes financially dependent on the other, which is also a recipe for disaster for both parts.

[–] bstix 12 points 3 days ago

Sure, it would be better with a peaceful solution: Russia should stop attacking and pay for the damage they've already done.

The solution proposed by Putin and Trump is not peaceful.

[–] bstix 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

The CEO isn't paying that salary. It's a cost of business. A business you're paying for as a customer. All the customers pay a percentage of a nickel extra for shopping in a store that has a cart returner on the payroll.

I suppose ithe job pays badly and isn't very interesting. It's not something I'd waste my life doing. I wouldn't want my kids to do it either. Actually I wouldn't recommend it for anyone. Life has much more to offer than pushing carts all day.

So, congratu-fucking-lations, you've created a job that nobody ought to do and made everyone pay for keeping a sorry ass kid on poverty wage.

Ok, so you'd argue that by pushing the cart back, then you're the one doing the same meaningless job for free. Good point, right?

But here's the catch: Nobody ever needs to return a cart.

There are at least two ways to do this.

One: We can all accept that the cart doesn't have a home to be returned to and just leave them wherever and pick them up at the same place. This is obviously the chaotic neutral way.

Two: Pack your groceries in bags in the cart after (or while) paying. When you push the cart back towards the car, you walk by the cart corral, pick up your bags and walk to the car while leaving the cart in the corral. It's fucking magic.

[–] bstix 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

He's missing some punctuation, but the point is that the burden of proof ought to be on the people making the claim instead of as it commonly happens, that people state something wild and then spend their time arguing against the proofs against it. The secondary point is that people who do this are already blind to this, so they are basing their arguments on something that only they believe, and strongly believe without proof.

It makes discussion futile, because the people believing in random stuff are asking for evidence against something untrue that is based on something untrue which is based on something untrue. It's 2 or more steps away from logic.

I don't know if that made any more sense, so let's make an allegory with math.

Let's say a person wrongly believes that 2=3. This belief is unknown for anyone besides themselves. Based on this, they conclude that 2x3=4 and state that openly. So a sane person would argue that 2x3=6. The first person then claimss that 6 is wrong, and the second person will attempt to prove it logically. It does not matter how much proof the sane person provides of the 6 because the first person does not understand that from their belief. The 2=3 belief is never discussed, only the 6.

The result is that they will never agree.

The best way to counter this kind of stupidity is not by logical argumentation. It's better to simply ask "why?" until the wrong person argues themselves into a position of belief, which can then be countered by a final "why?" to which they have no answer and are forced to reevaluate their belief, and hopefully come to a better one, or at least start questioning that instead.

[–] bstix 17 points 5 days ago (3 children)

❤️Heart of Miami ❤️

glasses (self.memes)
submitted 5 months ago by bstix to c/

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by bstix to c/fedditdk

Lemmy's årlige "place" er begyndt, hvis I har lyst til at deltage. Jeg har dårligt tid i år, men et par pixels skal der nok blive tid til. Reglerne er vist ligesom sidste år.

Hobro -søndag 22:10 (
submitted 7 months ago by bstix to c/foto
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by bstix to c/musik

Det her er ikke bare et udemærket nummer, men simpelthen en sublim optræden. Jeg forstår ikke hvorfor de aldrig udgav den version. Den er langt bedre end album-versionen.

Nummeret er også en god opvarmning for stemmebåndet hvis man har lyst til selv at spille. Videoen her viser også hvorfor man ikke kan stole på online tabs. Han spiller jo bare i G med en capo. På den måde er akkorderne enkle "pædagog akkorder" og lyder bedre på den måde.


Jeg skal reparere murværk omkring en yderdør i en kælder. Tømreren som lavede døren har slået ret store stykker af muren af omkring hele murhullet, så det er lidt mere end en tynd pudsning som skal til.

Jeg vil ikke bygge en lysning af træ/gips men bare mure op, pudse og male. Det passer bedst med resten af kælderen hvor det hele bare er gammelt murværk og puds.

Jeg tænker på at lave midlertidige støtter af brædder for at få det nogenlunde lige, særligt i toppen, men det bliver alligevel nogle dybe ujævnheder som skal udfyldes. Jeg er derfor i tvivl om det kan gøres med "universal mørtel" som måske kun er egnet til tynd pudsning eller om der skal bruges noget mere cement-agtigt som kan holde til større dybde. Altså, jeg vil hellere lave en god solid fyldning end at skulle vente på at 10 lag af tynd puds tørrer. Jeg kan ikke rigtigt finde sådan et produkt?

Skal/kan man evt. fylde op med mindre stykker mursten eller andet undervejs?

Hvordan gør man?

submitted 8 months ago by bstix to c/foto

How do I best view tabs from pages like ultimate guitar and others on a phone browser, so that the chords and lyrics match up? I know on pc they usually show up fine in notepad or with ASCII fixed sys font, but I can't quite figure out how to set it up for easy browsing on an android phone. I tried copying it to other apps but none of them have a fixed width font.

How do you do it?

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by bstix to c/
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