
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

@CyberEgg in dem Fall Friendica und Lemmy


🛒 "Konsum ist nicht Selbstverwirklichung, Konsum ist Politik." Kolumme von Waltraud Schwab in der #Wochentaz: "Amazon boykottieren ist nur ein Anfang im langen Widerstand gegen die Zerstörung der Demokratie"

"Amazon war schon lange ein Ärgernis. Nicht erst, seit mir die Pakete im Weg sind. Empörend ist der Kampf des Unternehmens gegen Arbeitsrechte, Betriebsräte, Steuerbehörden, Umweltschutzauflagen weltweit. (...) Gründe, bloß nichts bei Amazon zu ordern, gibt es also schon lange zuhauf. Aber seit Trump hofiert von einer reichen Boy-Gang in den USA wütet, seit er die Demokratie in eine diktatorische Oligarchie umbauen will, seit er Menschenrechte, Meinungsfreiheit und Umweltgesetze für Dreck hält, Rassismus pur predigt, Frauen und Transleuten das Selbstbestimmungsrecht über ihren Körper nehmen will, den Sozialstaat demontiert, die Wissenschaft und den Klimawandel lächerlich macht, hat eine demokratisch denkende Person keine Ausrede mehr, Amazon nicht zu boykottieren. Denn Jeff Bezos, der Amazongründer, ist einer der reichen Stiefellecker von Trump."

Hier im #Fediverse wurde vor ein paar Monaten für die von @phranck[ät] kuratierte Liste Amazon-Alternativen gesammelt. Schaut da gerne mal rein.
"Wenn ihr auch "schon immer" von Amazon weg oder zumindest den Konsum auf dieser Plattform einschränken wolltet, dann nutzt und beteiligt euch am Ausbau dieser Liste. Das ist eine lose Sammlung von Online-Shops (gerne auch mal direkt beim Hersteller), die es Wert sind, dass man bei ihnen bestellt."

#AmazonAlternativen #DeleteAmazon #unplugTrump @tazgetroete @taz @taz @dach

[–] 17 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

@3dmvr In my experience, it works best with #Friendica. Firstly, it is the most widely federated (in addition to activity pub also #Diaspora + if required also Bluesky and Tumblr).
Secondly, in my experience, posts from the #Fediverse are displayed best and most completely. For example, this post by #Lemmy or #Peertube posts are displayed in full here, whereas Mastodon, for example, has problems with posts with headings, does not display video descriptions, and does not display all images.

Let's see if these images will be federated:

Mastodon, on the other hand, does not fully display starting posts with titles:

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

@Jerry Interesting, but the video shows a completely different way of using #Friendica than I use it.
This is mainly about the newsfeeds, that - which is one speciality of Friendica - can integrate many different protocols, so that there are connections not only to the Fediverse in the narrower sense (= Activity Pub), but also to Bluesky, Tumblr, Threads, Diaspora etc.

In contrast, I am only interested in the Fediverse connections (in the broader sense, i.e. including Diaspora).

The other side (which I find more interesting) is Friendica's advantages, how you can actively interact from Friendica and how you can create your own content, and structure received content + , the good way Fediverse content is displayed,.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

@andrew_s Between Lemmy and Friendica (this account), all pictures are now even federated in the replies.

This is what it looks like from here:

Between Lemmy and Mastodon /Sharkey currently only a maximum of one picture in the OP. But it seems to be possible in principle.
Since last year, a lot more has been working between Lemmy and the other Fediverse.


🚀 A little guide on how to communicate with #Lemmy from #Mastodon #Friendica #Hubzilla #Sharkey etc

(this is the English translation of this German post:… If something is linguistically incorrect or incomprehensible, please let me know)

Lemmy is a kind of forum software in the #Fediverse: You can subscribe to forums (called ‘communities’ in Lemmy), share links and participate in discussions. @Tealk and I have described it in more detail (in German) here.

On the one hand, you can follow #Lemmy accounts, in which case the posts will appear in your timeline and you can reply to them, share them, etc.
On the other hand, you can also create posts in Lemmy communities from Mastodon etc.

Follow a community:
The easiest way is to type the account name in full into the search or copy the URL into the search field. This applies to communities (e.g. [ät] and Lemmy accounts (e.g. @caos is my Lemmy account) as well as to individual posts in Lemmy (e.g. is a post in Lemmy).

Creating posts in communities:
You can create posts in Lemmy communities by tagging the community account
(It should be a public post)
If the community account is tagged with @, it will share the post and the post will also appear in the forum.
For example, this is a post I created from Mastodon in feddit's #Tischtennis forum:… ... and this is how it is displayed in Lemmy:

The only thing to note from Mastodon and Akkoma etc. is: The beginning of the post/the first paragraph becomes the title of the forum post, as Mastodon does not have a heading field. (see also: Instructions Creating a post from Mastodon)

So it is best to start the post like this (see image 1):

This is my headline (as descriptive a title as possible)
This is the further text, link etc.
if necessary a picture (only in the initial post a picture is transferred from Mastodon to Lemmy, between Lemmy and Friendica all images in answers are transferred in the meantime)

Send post to multiple communities / groups at the same time
The post can only be sent to one Lemmy community at a time. If several community accounts are tagged, the post will only appear in the last one mentioned. If several different group accounts are tagged in a post, the Lemmy account should come first. According to my tests, it works in the following order: 1. lemmy community 2. friendica forum 3. group . Then all groups share the post, otherwise it doesn't work with all of them so far.

Search for communities
You can search for interesting forums/communities either on an instance page or here in the ‘Lemmy Explorer’ (see image 2).
If you are interested, enter the URL in the search field and follow the account.

If you have found an interesting community, you can copy its URL into the search field to follow the community account (see image 3) or enter the handle of the account in the form @communityname@lemmy-instance (in Friendica etc. also with !).

The past posts are then often not displayed, but those that come in the future will appear in your timeline.
What is not possible from Mastodon etc. is to create your own community. This requires a Lemmy or kbin account. Otherwise almost everything works (except for pictures in replies, which are not federated, see in detail (in German) here).

If you follow many or very active communities, it can get a bit confusing, especially in Mastodon. A clearer view is available if you view it on the page of the community itself, i.e. open it externally in the browser.
(the original URL of posts is sometimes hidden behind the #Fediverse logo)

There are also other public groups in the #Fediverse, e.g. Friendica-Forums and kbin-Magazines, which work in a similar way.


[–] 7 points 1 month ago

@TheRedSpade @Teknevra If I understand it correctly, a Fediverse account (e.g. Mastodon) can be used to create reviews (about films, music etc. from the database). And these reviews can then also be shared and commented on in the Fediverse.


📲 Welche kleinen Smartphones (~5") gibt es (nach 2016), die von einem #CustomROM unterstützt werden?
Leider wurden in den letzten Jahren kaum noch kleine, handliche Geräte hergestellt. Wenn ich nach "kleinen" Geräten recherchiere, ist die Definition meist sehr großzügig i.S.v. "kleiner als 6 Zoll" bzw. "kleiner als 15x7cm", was ich schon relativ große finde. Für mich persönlich wäre die perfekte Größe sowas wie das S4 Mini (das ist 12x6cm groß), da ich sowieso keine Ambitionen habe, auf dem Teil Romane zu schreiben oder Filme zu schauen (dafür gibt es zum Glück geeignetere Geräte).

Mir sind diese als relativ kleine Geräte bekannt, die von einem oder mehreren CustomROMs unterstützt werden und noch eine erträgliche Größe haben : Samsung bis S10, Pixel2-3, Sony Z3+Z5 Compact
Kennt Ihr darüber hinaus noch andere? kleiner, desto besser!

#LineageOS #DivestOS #eOS #iodeOS #ungoogled

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

@caos @caos @jeze Small minus point for #Sharkey: the federation with #Lemmy is better from #Mastodon (it's best with #Friendica (= this account)). This answer from Sharkey, for example, has not been received yet.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

@King ☝️ perhaps @Codeberg would like to answer?

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

@JerukPurut404 Yes, if you want to use Google apps, you should leave it on. With the #UniversalAndroidDebloater, there are different levels of how much you want to delete/deactivate. With the first two, it only affects apps that you can easily reinstall if necessary.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

@GravityAce You can also use the #UniversalAndroidDebloater. This makes it easier to get rid of the bloatware:…

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

@caos @caos @geizeskrank hier auf Friendica auch angekommen + benachrichtigt

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

@gonzoknowsdotcom1 This app doesn't seem quite as entertaining as #StreetComplete, but it is also available for #iOS: #EveryDoor
"#OpenStreetMap editor for POIs and entrances."
Furthermore, it is also very easy to edit #OSM data with #OrganicMaps:

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