
joined 2 years ago
submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by to c/

I have a nearly 4 year old neutered female cat. I have been thinking about adopting another cat, but I fear they won't get along. Current cat is not really social, rarely likes being touched, instead requires attention: playtime, being near (but far enough), etc.

What are your experiences with second cats? Are there age / gender combinations which are the safest?

Edit: thanks for all the replies! Forgot to mention that she is an indoor cat.

[–] 3 points 5 months ago

I wrote my own music player using qt

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

is cheaters in lol this bad? are there more cheaters compared to for ex.: dota? and if yes, why? does the lol game implementation allow it?

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

After hours of trying out different plugins the closest I could find is the lualine & tabby combination:

About to test it during work, at first look it looks like it has everything I need, only shows current buffers in tab, and in correct order

local lualine_theme = require("highlight").lualine_theme
	options = {
		icons_enabled = true,
		theme = lualine_theme,
		component_separators = { left = "", right = "" },
		section_separators = { left = "", right = "" },
		disabled_filetypes = {
			statusline = {},
			winbar = {},
		ignore_focus = {},
		globalstatus = true,
		refresh = {
			statusline = 1000,
			tabline = 1000,
			winbar = 1000,
	sections = {
		lualine_a = { "branch" },
		lualine_b = { empty_section },
		lualine_c = {},
		lualine_x = {},
		lualine_y = { { "diagnostics", sections = { "error", "warn" } } },
		lualine_z = { "location" },
	inactive_sections = {},
	tabline = {},
	winbar = {},
	inactive_winbar = {},
	extensions = { "fugitive", "nvim-tree" },

local theme = {
	fill = "TabLineFill",
	-- Also you can do this: fill = { fg='#f2e9de', bg='#907aa9', style='italic' }
	head = "TabLine",
	current = "TabLineSel",
	tab = "TabLine",
	win = "TabLine",
	tail = "TabLine",

vim.o.showtabline = 2
local tabby_theme = require("highlight").tabby_theme
	return {
			local hl = tab.is_current() and tabby_theme.current or

			return {
				line.sep("", hl, tabby_theme.fill),
				line.sep("", hl, tabby_theme.fill),
				hl = hl,
				margin = " ",
			local hl = win.is_current() and tabby_theme.current or

			return {
				line.sep("", hl, tabby_theme.fill),
				line.sep("", hl, tabby_theme.fill),
				hl = hl,
				margin = " ",
		hl = tabby_theme.fill,
[–] 23 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

git commit -m 'initial commit'

git commit --amend

git commit --amend

git commit --amend

git commit --amend


git commit --amend


Hi! I recently decided to switch from airline, but can't find a status / tab line plugin that works just like I want it to. Lualine is the closest I could get, but the following features from tabline is really missing from me.

I couldn't get the buffer component to only show those buffers that are open on the current tab, and in the visual order that my splits are. Also I can't get it to hide hidden buffers, after opening and closing a few terminals it gets polluted with a tons of unnecessary tabs

The closest I could get is with "tiagovla/scope.nvim", but that does not make it respect the order of my splits, messes with sessions and doesn't solve the problem with the hidden buffers

Is there a tabline extension that is simple and fast, and can do what I described? Thanks in advance

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

an unavoidable dialog pops up to open your gift

[–] 20 points 1 year ago

while true; do npm ci; done

[–] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

what is all that stuff

[–] 8 points 1 year ago

large trees can be dangerous, but yeah could have at least planted some more around it


The button is faded out for me:

But as soon as I change my user agent suddenly it works 🤔 However starting it with wine gives an error that it can't connect to the server. No more blizzard games I guess

With a previously installed client I was able to buy and download Diablo II: Ressurected, but after starting it it immediately stated that my setup was to outdated to run this game. I highly doubt that, since I have more than the minimum requirements.

I found out that you have to fool the game to make it start:

Problem was with ingame GPU and driver version detection

The lutris installer however did not work, and I didn't have the mood to debug it.

Not so surprising, but they don't support linux:

Note: Linux, bootcamp, or running the game in a virtual OS is not supported


Rif has a feature where you can filter out posts which links to a specific domain (regex like syntax).

For example you can block all posts which redirect to or

Couldn't find such feature right now, but would love to see this.

I hate clicking on youtube posts, I don't watch content with sound, and it also opens the youtube android app with ads and everything.

This could be extended to a feature to filter out posts from specific instances till its not implemented in the backend.

These could be done on the frontend like after the client recieved the posts to display it filters them by domain / instance by user defined rules


I always favored rooting my phone, used to have a redmi 4x with magisk and lineage os. It was time for a new phone, and got a xiaomi note 10S.

On the 4x I noticed that play store did not list revolut and other banking apps, and the bank Im using said I can't use the app on rooted phone, so I decided not to root my 10S.

However I still think about unlocking and rooting it, but I'm afraid of my banking apps no longer working.

I still would like to use my phone like I did before: NFC payments (google pay), banking apps, play store for said apps, google maps.

Is it possible to create a setup like this? Should I even try?


Version 5.6.22

If you downvote any post in jerboa 0.0.35 you actually upvote it. Seems like anything gets merged? If this goes on like this, there could be a lot of trouble

Edit: Thanks to quick reaction seems like a simple an quick fix. I hope that things will be fine in the future

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