Probably because it feels incredible. I love the feeling of my spouse's hand gently restricting my airway during sex. It's worth noting that she's never ever cut off my air supply or caused bruising - and that we communicate really well - but I can easily imagine how someone would get carried away.
Yeah makes sense, I know a Dutch couple who live in the U.S. and have to get some forms notarized once per year for proof of life for their retirement benefits.
14-inch Quik-Disks
I didn't know about that community, thanks for the rec
Does it prevent you from uploading the post? AFAIK it always makes you select which community when creating a new post, which would be normal functionality, not a bug.
Could you provide some more detail, maybe a screenshot illustrating the problem?
EDIT TO ADD: Are you selecting "create a post" from your front page, or are you navigating to your community first? If it's the former, then of course you will be asked to select the community; if it's the latter, then it should fill in your community by default (while still giving you the option to change it).
Merry Christmas!
*Everyone who inserts non-sequiturs about "perverts hanging out in women's restrooms" into completely unrelated conversations, because trans restroom bans are a hot-button topic, is transphobic.
Huh, I never would have imagined that. What a quirky hobby. How fun!
Tasty! Little bit different taste and texture than the portabellos that I'm used to. It was definitely worth it to pan fry them with a bit of salt, pepper, and oil before adding them to the pizza.
Poor monkey :( I hope it lost consciousness instantaneously