Absolutely insane article. It sounds like he thinks putting British troops in Ukraine will push Russia back out of the Donbas. They're going there as peacekeepers, not to "secure a decisive victory".
Why is Thames Water commissioning studies about people's immigration status? Stop pissing about and fix the pipes!
Yeah it's real - people can have a seizure despite having no prior symptoms, and a scan won't be able to tell you they've had one unless they had it inside the MRI scanner. Unfortunately that's what makes it a plausible get-out-of-jail-free card for causing death by dangerous/distracted driving.
This is just too good. Seeing that presenter just keep twisting the knife was glorious.
Leeds is conspicuous in its absence.
Damn I miss Brown, it's sad to think what we could have had if he'd won that election.
I remember when that came out, it was really ahead of its time! Whatever they did with Gov.UK in the beginning should be the model for how government does online services.
If this NHS data is properly anonymised, why not open it to everyone instead of just select "researchers and innovators"? (And how do I know that "researchers and innovators" just means Microsoft and Google?)
This just seems like a multi billion pound gift to US tech companies. We're still effectively in austerity and this is what they're spending money on.
That stage of life is pretty difficult work-wise. Up until then most people's lives have been on rails: go to school, do exams, go to university, do exams. Now you've got all this choice, but also the idea that the "wrong" choice will affect your life in a negative way.
My advice is just to try out lots of things. At this age you're not locked into anything, you can spend a few years doing something, decide you don't want to keep doing it, and it's not time wasted. I'm 35 and I've got friends my age who are changing careers now. You'll never know if a career is "for you" until you've tried it.
Talking about trains with my fellow train drivers:
Talking about trains with those fucking idiot bus drivers who don't know shit:
Don't tell them that or they'll back a military coup on us!
I have one friend who got divorced. It was difficult for him since it was during COVID and their 2-year-old daughter was involved, but now he's thriving and super well-adjusted. I think some people just refuse to come to terms with things beyond their control (namely the people in the pic).