"non-Afroeurasian" - so American and Autralian? (Or Ameritralian? Australican?)
You may realize that the students would have still written the test if the dog wasn't there.
The dog isn't necessary, it just makes a stressful situation slightly better, so the students don't end up as miserable as you.
When people say europe they usually aren't thinking of countries such as Russia, Turkey, or the UK.
I only hate smokers who smoke in the presence of others :)
(I'm european and I'm aware that includes a very large amount of people)
I think self harm is bad, not matter if you're rich or poor :)
(also smokers make me smell their smoke)
I don't see an issue in these two lines.
The only thing is that they are most likely not actually successive lines (because otherwise that code would be pretty weird).
I think that the point of the code is only to show the function names.
Your parents didn't shoot multiple partners of yours??
Next you're gonna tell me your parents aren't deers
Consuming meat doesn't automatically make you have a balanced and nutrituous diet. If you cared about that, you should inform yourself even if your not vegan.
Also "go vegetarian, keep the [...] fish", lmao.
There's also a fifth leg in the OP image.
Also da greife ich lieber zur Currywurst
All drinking hurts your liver.
A government doesn't need to take away your papers to deny you its services.