
joined 2 months ago
[–] 4 points 1 week ago

I don't think your preference for cold water had anything to do with being warm-blooded. I grew up having mostly warm/hot water and still prefer it that way to this day because it's what I'm used to. I think the majority of Chinese people would tell you the same.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

And then what? At the end of the day, unless you're running the experiments yourself, you're still putting your trust in another group of experts. Either you trust that they really did what they said they did and saw what they said they saw, or you trust another group to draw the correct conclusions from a collection of studies and what they know about the topic.

[–] 13 points 1 month ago (4 children)

The unfortunate reality is that most people don't have the skills required to critically read scientific literature.