Ah I also have ahouse from 1930's which is mostly wood and gets attacked from many angles, insects, water damage etc. Most of the time it is 'ignore' to be able to focus on single projects. If you do one small thing in the house everytime it will be enough right 😅
These orange flowers look really nice now. Have you thought of other ground cover plants instead of grass if you are that allergic? What do you mean with natives? Other plants between the grass?
I do not know about drone shows.. arguments posted here are good on ratio, like polluting and the type of ppls involved. But I must confess that all the drone shows I have seen I found quite plain to be honest. Fireworks do still offer more for the senses. Beside the visual, the sound of fireworks is so much more diverse then only the bzzzz of a group bees. The sound delay from fireworks gives much more tension/excitement. The smell is something I also like somehow. All the senses get a bit more to handle which is interesting to watch/listen/smell fireworks.
I think drone shows could learn from that and be way better by combining drones with picoprojectors or combining a lasershow with smoke blasts. Or combine also some fireworks with drones. Maybe place subwoofers on drones and create a sound pallet. There is enough combinations to think of as long as there is some spark.
Aside the droneshow firework show, I totally agree on blocking the egocentric people that blast away with fireworks during a random night or towards people
Haha, it's an idea 💡
Ive work for a company that develops irrigation equipment solely on water and solarpower. Also we work with smallholder farmere. I am able to learn also how smallholder farmers grow all different foods. To pump with waterpower and solarpower is a bit finiky compared with a fuel pump. We work towards removing the finiky and it is a rewarding goal and the work is very interesting.
The video was nicely made. So much effort and material to gain views only... But nicely made with the shaking when starting the generator and then a sound taking over. the constant rpm with an angle grind turning on was unfortunately not well implemented. Maybe just enough flaws implemented to keep it at the satire level.
Thanks, nice to know trick of the trade. Now to look for copper sulfate where to get
Do you by any chance mean this type of valve? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wax_thermostatic_element I must agree, it is quite ingeniously thought of
Nicely made! You have a small lithium or lead battery in there? Also can you read the voltage of the battery the whole year? I am interested in the survivability on the winterdays. I am living in Lithuania where the winter sun hours are very short and sometimes with days of overcast. But i would like to build solar powered tech that can survive in winter. Also interested in using capacitors instead of chemistrial (if thats a word) batteries.
Very interesting but compost has some use. I can see we can use water but co2, what to do with that?
Some lessons on the use of milk cartons. We lazily did not clean all milk cartons and mice got through most of them. The mice at the cardboard with aluminum and plastic with the dried up milk bits.. one advantage, the milk has dried up. Now I have cleaned 134 packs and are going to use it to isolate the chicken coop I am going to build. Need 250 packs for inside roof of 3x3m. Will update you once one wall/roof has been built.