
joined 1 week ago

I've been there since 07. Since like 2022/3, they started getting weird and have permabanned me a few times (never happened before).

I created this account here after the last permaban, which I appealed along with the others...and somehow magically they gave me a sheepish apology and unbanned my account?! I'm kind of over it. But I'm still there. And there are certain communities there which aren't easily replicated here, like /r/phillywiki. But...I'm over Reddit for the most part. It's the people I'm not over...

[–] dick_fineman@discuss.online 9 points 1 day ago (2 children)

So I had the [removed] thing happen before on every sub but /r/conservative. IDGAF about the conservative one. /r/marchagainstnazis, I did say something that could be construed as advocating violence. I said something about Nazis staying visible so we know who to put against a brick wall after this is over. Vague...but yeah, I get it. Though I comment there regularly, without issue, until I call this out?

/r/law, they [remove]d me when I said " I would vote for her for POTUS in a heartbeat. But flyover country would never let a black woman be President; it'd undermine their dumbshit egos too much. Imagine Obama's presidency, but ALSO a woman...we'd have someone new and worse that Trump building an alt-alt-alt-right incel circlejerkoff cult, and rising to power by spouting memes and literally showing up to debates and such in unwashed sleepwear.

...and they'd win, because grandpa thinks they look like "good wholesome" (read as "white") boys (read as "males")."

Which was also [removed].

And I don't know what I said in /r/worldnews.

But okay. So you're saying it's a subreddit based shadowban? Who initiates that? And more importantly, why is it removed from my profile? Sure, remove it from your sub...but I should be able to reference my own words outside of a sub.

[–] dick_fineman@discuss.online 17 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (5 children)

I think it's only on certain subreddits though?

So /r/law was in the link above as [removed] and I just tried posting something VERY innocuous there, and here's what happened within SECONDS:

And it doesn't happen always on /r/marchagainstnazis, after the BS:

....the person who said they weren't sold on the "ethics" of AI yet.


As far as you go, I'm sorry you had to read. I know it's really difficult to read words. You must be very proud of yourself for having gotten this far. You're very special, right? And everyone else should cater everything they do to your level of comprehension. I get it. No worries, buddie! Hey look, I think there is some candy in the other room! You should go check!


My understanding is that mods can silently remove content from their subreddits, but it will still show up in your comment-history. However, admins can silently remove content and it will NOT be in your comment history. Well, when I'm logged out, I noticed some of my comments were "removed" but when I'm logged in they show up. Looking at the comments more closely, I don't believe they broke any rules...at least not site-wide rules. I received no notification that they were removed either.

Further, these comments ALL related to the Trump/Zelensky interview. I get the need to moderate online communities, but there's something particularly dystopian about quietly censoring someone for expressing political-speech you don't like, and doing it in such a way that they (theoretically) don't even realize they've been censored (if they're not weird paranoid fucks like me). You've just secretly put a bubble around them, all for the crime of political speech you don't like.

Here are some screenshots to verify what I'm saying:



And so the same thing happened when I posted this exact post (above the "...") in another sub on Reddit...one I participate in regularly. And here's how that looks:


[–] dick_fineman@discuss.online 22 points 5 days ago

...this kind of hurt my heart.

[–] dick_fineman@discuss.online 6 points 5 days ago (2 children)

The ethics based on Intellectual Property? Quality, sure, but ethics?

Full disclosure: I'm a geek from the days of newsgroups and Geocities. I watched the rise and fall of things like Napster. And I watched IP-law get more and more restrictive. But what is "intellectual property" really? You're effectively taking an idea and saying "this is mine, I made this first, therefore I own it".

Around 1996, when I was 12, I thought it'd be really cool to have a small laptop that laid flat and you could hold in your hands. The designs I drew up VERY closely resembled a Blackberry. Blackberry came out a few years later. If I had filed the right paperwork, at 12, should I be able to stop them? I sincerely doubt they were spying on the drawings I made on the back of my homework. Should you get to stifle innovation just because you had the first brainfart? I don't think so.

But okay, let's say you're only thinking about artistic works. Again, you're gonna have repetition. This came out in 1995. This came out in 2008.

So what's the issue with AI; it was trained on "copyrighted" material? K, well so were you. Are folks upset because creators didn't get paid every time an AI reviewed their copyrighted works? Well, are they similarly upset about folks who check a book or movie out of the library? Not so much...because that's normalized (though would NEVER go over in today's hyper-corporate nonsense world). Okay, so are folks upset that generative works can resemble the style or "essence" of the original work? Lol, see the Jill Sobule/Katy Perry comparison above, also consider "Fair Use" and the likely transformative nature involved as well.

This isn't an "ethics" issue...it's an issue of disrupting existing channels for corporate power within a world sliding more and more into a dystopia of corporate fascism.

[–] dick_fineman@discuss.online 3 points 6 days ago

Lol, I love it.

[–] dick_fineman@discuss.online 3 points 1 week ago

...my cracked version of Adobe CS6

[–] dick_fineman@discuss.online 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

After spending some time in that circle, it drives me insane that the biggest idiots in various fields are the ones ostensibly in charge of them. They toss buzz words with confidence each other in a great circle jerk of money while their results are frequently no better than luck.

It's the "Peter principle":

The Peter principle is a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to "a level of respective incompetence": employees are promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent, as skills in one job do not necessarily translate to another.


[–] dick_fineman@discuss.online 16 points 1 week ago

...and the Northeast too, please.