Nah, the karma system would know who is ultimately responsible
It's about a 13% cut in funding. Between the aprox. 207 libraries it cuts almost 300k from each leaving about 1.9 million per branch. These numbers are inflated in straight division like that because some of the libraries are not normal libraries, but research libraries which would have higher budgets so maybe around 1 - 1.2 million per regular branch. If you think that sounds like a lot because 1.2 million sounds like a big number, you've obviously never run a business.
Every time I see someone shitting on vegans and saying they're all assholes I always stick up for them and say I see way more aggressively assholish people arguing for eating meat and in fact I haven't seen any asshole vegans.
Thanks for breaking my streak and making it so I can't say that anymore without it being a lie...
to move through the air using wings.
to be carried through the air by the wind or any other force or agency:
"Any other force or agency" such as a car's momentum
to spring clear of the ground or other support by a sudden muscular effort; leap:
"muscular effort" cars don't make muscular effort.
Looks like flew was technically more accurate
The public who would otherwise care so much about this nightmare that we keep barrelling towards... people who use that "frustration with extremists" are just justifying to themselves what they would have done anyway, which is nothing.