
joined 2 years ago
[–] flerp@lemm.ee -1 points 10 months ago (4 children)

Humans are extremely flawed beings and if your standard for leaving companies alone to make as much money as possible is that they are at least minimally better than extremely flawed, I don't want to live in the same world as you want to live in.

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 3 points 10 months ago

Oh this is amazing!

Riven was one of the earliest games that had a huge impact on me and made me spend countless hours away from the game just daydreaming about it. I loved poking around the island looking for the hidden rebel base. I especially loved the interconnectedness of it. A lot of people talk about the experience in Dark Souls of coming out of a short cut, looking around, and saying to themselves, "Oh my god, I'm here!?!" but I first had that experience so long ago when I opened up the fish mouth and was back in the forest. Man, the level design in that game was top notch.

[–] flerp@lemm.ee -1 points 10 months ago

Your comment is about looking down on people... tongue in cheek or not, this is always the kind of stuff people post before complaining that the big mean vegans are alienating them... victim complex much?

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 6 points 10 months ago (1 children)

"They have to suffer or else they would be extinct" is a very easy argument to make about other beings when you're not the one doing the suffering. Personally, I would rather not exist than have a few short years of abysmal suffering and no chance to have a meaningful life.

[–] flerp@lemm.ee -1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I consider pain to be of negative utility

maybe try getting a professional to look into that psychopathy of yours

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 4 points 10 months ago

I'm in the same boat with a lot of commenters here, of trying to reduce my consumption for ethical reasons. Throughout my life I've tried being vegan and I've tried being vegetarian and always failed and now am just minimizing and it's working very well for me.

Nonetheless, that picture gave me a chuckle. Life's a ride, might as well have as good a time as possible and that usually coincides with being uptight as little as possible.

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 4 points 10 months ago

Home is a state of being in addition to a location.

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 1 points 10 months ago

Some people got upset that I let the microwave stop on it's own because then it beeps 3 times. Well it beeps once to stop it manually and again to reset the time so it's not like stopping it early is doing anyone a lot of favors. Opening and closing the door is way louder than the beeps anyways.

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 2 points 10 months ago

Really? You don't think that building solid foundations for people to get on their feet and start making more money themselves, money that they can turn around and spend on more products, would have a fantastic return? The benefit for the economy would be immense but corporations can't write that into their spreadsheets changing their bottom line so it "doesn't count"

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 3 points 10 months ago

Yeah. Come back in 10-15 years when half the world is using it or a successive product and people will be posting articles like these laughing at them like they do with the ones saying the internet or cell phones will never catch on and surprisingly no one will open up and admit they were the ones denying it would come. Meta has the money, they don't care how much they spend, as long as they can get in and corner the market early they will make it back many times over in the years to come... assuming climate change or nukes don't make it impossible of course.

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 1 points 10 months ago

If you look at the people in advertisements, you see the demographic that the company is targeting to buy their product. If you think that's what the new captain looks like, maybe it will be a successful change for the company, even if the loud voices on the internet don't like it.

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 8 points 11 months ago

My cat also has two lap settings. Morning brush? OK, I sit. Any other time? "Hell no I'm not sitting on you! You come down to the floor and pet me where you belong!"

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