I could DESTROY that competition.
You might want to talk to a therapist because that is not a "cultural" difference.
But if you don't care that other people around you think you're an asshole even if they're not coming up to you and saying it, then there's nothing anyone can say.
Hmm thanks for the info. I really do need to tackle it eventually. Problem is I do a lot of art stuff, modelling, animating, music production, painting, etc. I know a few of the programs I need are probably fairly easy to get working but there is just so much in my workflow that the thought of having to work through each and every one of those programs trying to get them set up while also under the stress of the actual work I need to be doing with them is nightmare fuel. I wish microsoft would just stop being wankers but I know that is never going to happen.
That use to happen to me a lot, but I haven't felt that pain in a long time. I started doing yoga regularly which helps, but even without doing yoga, a lesson I learned from yoga prevents that situation in other cases. It's about balance, so when you stretch your feet down, don't stretch your feet down toe first, there is no balance there, stretch your legs down heel first, that way the back muscle is being pulled down and the front muscle is being pulled up with your toe, the two counteract each other and you will not get this cramping.
Seek balance in all things friends, including your muscles while you stretch.
It's free? Like you can put it on your current computer simultaneously with windows for free for free, or you have to buy a new computer to put it on but it itself is free for free? Because if it's the first one I should give it a shot. Problem is I'm already learning so many new things currently I'm already a bit overwhelmed as it is but one of these days I absolutely have to because I'm getting so sick of windows's BS.
No it's not the same logic. Someone in power hitting someone teaches kids that it is acceptable to use physical violence to get your way, this encourages the child to do even more violence. A victim fighting back against their bully is self defence, it is a different situation completely. I support training victimized kids to fight and stand up for themselves, I don't support allowing adults to hit kids as punitive measures.
There's no easy answer to the situation you describe, but the evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that corporal punishment makes things worse, not better. Self defence against a bully is a completely different situation.
They worship a being that kills everyone who doesn't do what he tells them to and tortures people forever for not believing in him when he is actively hiding from them. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree in that religion.
I've always liked it. I guess it depends who is saying it because when my old boss said it, it meant more like, "this is the situation we're in, let's not waste time arguing about why it is the situation and let's just focus on dealing with it and going forward"
That's republicans who are supporting consumer choice, globalization, and free trade? Are you sure about that?
It's impossible to know what anything looks like when your face is that small and your eyes are that close together, you really have no depth perception at all.
Points to the desolate wasteland of dead small businesses and underpaid workers subsisting on welfare unable to even afford shopping at walmart
That sounds like misinterpretation of studies if I had to guess. If anything maybe it would be how well they work at certain investment levels with breakpoints where it is no longer worth putting in additional money, or the efficacy of CERTAIN types of advertising. But IF they work at all? I am highly suspect of that even being a question. Brands that are well advertised are well known, and people who aren't bothered to do research into every single product they buy are more likely to buy a product they have heard of before.
And if you're an independent creative, like author, artist, musician, developer, and you DON'T advertise, you will sell zero copies of your work.