That's a good build for her, a very nice setup.
Now you know that SLI doesn't mean anything anymore. It's always better to buy a single higher GPU than 2 lower ones. And given how high the prices go, there's no limit on how much a person can soend on one.
I will recommend that if you buy a 5060 or 5070 in 6 months, your wife will immediately see a big boost in performance in anything and everything she does on computer.
So you know, for gaming, the 4060 beats the 1080 Ti. The 4060 does AV1 video encoding, I don't think even the 3090 has that. Definitely not the 2080 Ti. So ifyou buy a 5060 or 5070 to put in her system, everything will run flawless. I don't know if that 1080 is actually restricting ir limiting her CPU performance. That's another reason to upgrade an 8 year old GPU, it will allow the CPU run constantly run at full speed.
X870 board and a 9800x3D? What is your GPU?