I believe Putin's power over Trump will prevent anyone doing anything extreme about Iran. Russia has always had an interest in controlling Iran and certainly would not approve the US taking it out.
For the last couple of years I've quit going to all the little rural communities in SE Michigan I spend money at who are voting for Trump at proportionally high rates. If they don't want us, they don't want our money either.
That was back in the late 70's. I wasn't a big fan of my bed being a couch too, but at least I had a bit more room than the other 2 beds squeezed behind portable closets. I live in Michigan now and we've had a beautiful fall so far. We're supposed to get rain for Halloween but it may be done by the time the kids get out. It supposed to be 78 degrees today which is really nice for late October
It looks like my room in college when I was in Florida. My bed was the couch in the main room.
Perez appeared to think the baby team car should move over and let him pass, Lawson wants his seat and wouldn't give an inch. I loved Perez, but it seems the Red Bull car is just not a car that suits him, or he can't handle having a teammate who is so far beyond him. I don't see him in F1 next year unfortunately but I don't think he deserves the main team seat anymore and there's no where else to go really.
The Guardian is my preferred paper but this article is garbage. Comparing car deaths to early deaths from gas stoves is ridiculous.
"“The main uncertainty is whether the risk of dying found with outdoor NO2 from mainly traffic can be applied to indoor NO2 from gas cooking,” said Steffen Loft, an air pollution expert at the University of Copenhagen, who was not involved in the research. “But it is a fair assumption and required for the assessment.”"
Industrial and petrochemical pollution is by far the largest cause of health problems when it comes to the general population. The insurance companies are very cagey about releasing rates of deaths from cancer in specific areas and the government certainly doesn't share that.
Where will Trump voters hear about the negatives? The 4th estate is not something they have any regard for or they wouldn't be on the fence. Newsmax, OAN, Fox, etc will all ignore the racism
One side expects their candidates to hold some standards, the other side doesn't care. It's like watching a sporting event with a homer who only sees the world based on how it effects their team winning or losing. Fairness doesn't come into play, the other side is always cheating and getting favored media exposure.
I rented a Fiesta when I was there for work and I think I hit about 110mph, but I live in Detroit and our highways are nicknamed the Michigan Autobahn so 90+ is not unusual. What was unusual and required some attention were the cars coming up behind you at over 150mph. If you chose to pass you had to look a lot further back to see if anyone was coming or you'd cut some Porsche/Merc/Beemer off.
I had a lot more fun on the twisting back roads in Germany and Belgium
Both parties are beholden to Israel and the power of AIPAC
XP was kind of a F up for MS, they gave us a really decent OS that raised our expectations. People ran that for almost 2 decades because no one wanted the new OS's MS was putting out like ME and Vista. Win 8 was out when XP support fully ended and many people chose to go with the older Win 7 because it was less intrusive and more like a PC OS instead of trying to become like a Apple/phone/tablet interface. XP>Win 7>Win 10>Win 11 imo and all the unmentioned weren't worth upgrading for, but I don't use my phone for the internet and I've been using a PC for over 40 years. We like what's familiar and we can use without having to think too much about the tool used to achieve what we're doing. I have Win 11 on a laptop and I have to jump through a lot more hoops to control my desktop, who can pull my info, what can install, what can run in the background. And every update I have to do it again because they add shit back in again along with new stuff I don't want or need. Win 10 professional at least minimized how often they'd add new stuff or change my existing settings. Win 11 Pro doesn't seem nearly as friendly.
I was so pissed at Israel and Israeli's for the genocide we're watching. Then as an American I looked in the mirror and saw my tax dollars providing the bombs for the genocide and realized I'm as responsible as the citizens of Israel. Now I'm just disgusted by our nation, the state of the world and my complicity in that state