I think most people objecting to it are primarily objecting on moral grounds, not legal ones.
surprised i had to scroll down so far to find Old Man's War. definitely worth a read.
Look into housing co-ops! They're basically this and there are already (kind of) a ton of them around!
I've been in one for a couple years now and it's going pretty well.
me, a person who's recently begun to suspect i might be autistic:
Even when you CAN do this, it's usually because the employees are either kind enough or inattentive enough to let you do this. And if you are clearly unhoused or poor, your chances of being able to do this are much, much lower than if you can fit in in a middle class white area. (Restaurants with predominantly poor clientele or many homeless people nearby tend to be much stricter about this.)
the cognitive dissonance is astounding
this had me actually cackling for a minute, thanks for sharing
There are 1.9 BILLION Muslims globally.
You think the vast majority of them are fundamentalists?
For interesting, well-written, and in-depth articles I recommend:
The New Yorker Harper's (not Harper's Bazaar) The Atlantic New York Times Magazine
I've been using Notally for a while and I think it checks all your boxes.
For those rare occasions when magic won't get them out of a pickle, their melee weapon is a large cast-iron.