Nah, they hyped up the weapons of mass destruction claim same as everyone.
Meanwhile suspicion is growing that Iraq might actually be actively producing mass weapons of destruction.
The German daily, "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung" reported recently about a new nuclear programme. Relying on trustworthy reports of the Federal German News Service (BND) from January, the newspaper said that Iraq was buying "nuclear relevant basic chemicals".
Intelligence sources had also found indications that Iraq is continuing with its "Bio-Toxin-Programme" and is "building a mobile B-weapons capacity", the newspaper said.
This could mean that Iraq could achieve the high nuclear status of 1990.
You want me to debate you on six different gish-galloped points? Dude, you are way to self important. I have better things to do than debate you on China all day. Maybe try addressing my first and second rebuttal and I'll get to the other ones. Veggies before dessert.