@innkeeper @the_gamer_tavern When is the stealth part of the test?
joined 7 months ago
@Inbetween @innkeeper @the_gamer_tavern Ya know what, I’ll do just that. I’ll show bloody Michelle Mouton how it’s done
(lol jk, I bow before Michelle in a heartbeat)
@innkeeper @the_gamer_tavern I’m hoping to get back into Dirt Rally 2 and dust off the cobwebs in Wales and Scotland- inspired by @Inbetween bringing it up again!
@EighthLayer @innkeeper @the_gamer_tavern Seconded….going to attempt to try and keep up with Jamie in Satisfactory and contribute something worthwhile 🤣
@UKFilmNerd @innkeeper @the_gamer_tavern You know, I thought this too but can’t really place it. Let me know what you think
@EighthLayer @games @the_gamer_tavern This is genuinely pretty mad for something that just uses your phone
@workerONE I used to LOVE that game, but quit hard during the phase where dual wielding seemed to have sniper RNG and they introduced the flying bug drone thing