Scientists definitely do not say this though, we are really interested in cross-sensory perception, cueing, memory associativity, synaesthesia, and all that cool stuff.
Why are you on this community
Fair point, I hadn't looked up the specific movie / director
However, let's not forget the whole thing was created digitally then "printed" to film, so there was never a "film original".
The difference is that placebo is an objectively measureable benefit, regardless of whether they report being better or not.
Misreporting is a reported benefit, regardless lf whether they are objectively measureably better or not.
E.g. joint inflammation could be an example. Measurable reduction in inflammation with a calipers could be induced by placebo, even if patient doesn't report feeling better. But reporting feeling better may not come with any measured reduction in swelling.
Placebo is not (just) in the mind, it is in the entire body!
I acknowledge it is less clear-cut in mental health, but I just wanted to answer the general question outside of this specific context.
Surely ruining the atmosphere even more is a good thing...???
Wednesdays Against Protestants
Yeah, leave, stop playing, don't give good feedback. We also do a sharp AH noise when pushing them off - not a scary/mean shout, just enough of an attention grab that they learn that we mean "don't do that".
Noita, my source of endless frustration and satisfaction.
It said wire less, not wire free
My cats like attacking little wriggly things - feet are very good little wriggly things. When they were young they didn't connect them as part of me, so always were attacking. Still have to be careful sticking my feet out from the covers after 3 years, every couple of weeks I still get a pounce.
Similarly I was gonna say a couple entries to mountain bike park, and maybe a can of coke after