
joined 2 years ago
[–] janAkali@lemmy.one 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Legend: w - work day w - weekend

[–] janAkali@lemmy.one 7 points 3 weeks ago

there's nothing open about OpenAI

[–] janAkali@lemmy.one 2 points 3 weeks ago

Never heard about it, but seems like it is, indeed. Thank you.

[–] janAkali@lemmy.one 18 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (3 children)
  • Panel 1: You know these.
  • Panel 2:
    • OS: ZorinOS, Manjaro, Ubuntu, Fedora
    • Browser: Brave, Firefox
    • Apps: Telegram, Signal
  • Panel 3:
    • OS: Debian, Arch, VoidLinux, LineageOs (Android ROM)
    • Browser: qutebrowser, Librewolf
    • Apps: Jami, Briar (first time hear about them), Fdroid, Element (Matrix client)
  • Panel 4:
    • OS: Tails (Live distro for privacy), Gentoo (DIY distro)
    • Browser: Tor
    • Apps: IRC (text chat rooms), XMPP/Jabber (messaging protocol), self-hosted community (applications you can put on your own server, I presume)
  • Panel 5:
    • OS: Trisquel, Parabola, Guix (all three approved by FSF as "actually free")
    • Browser: Icecat (gnu firefox fork), lynx, w3m (both terminal-based browsers), (missed opportunity to put emacs here as well =))
    • Apps: Emacs, Emacs, Emacs (powerful os with built-in text editor)
  • Panel 6:
    • OS: Garuda, No idea (something arch-based), Arco Linux, Arch Linux
    • ???
    • Apps: Kvantum (qt theme manager), Latte (macOS style application dock for KDE), Plank (also app dock)
  • Panel 7:
    • OS: Temple OS
    • Browser: Bible
    • Apps: Racing game, Tanks game from TempleOS, Amen.
[–] janAkali@lemmy.one 28 points 4 weeks ago (3 children)

Not sure where I fall into this chart =)

Favorite OS: OpenSuse Tumbleweed
Favorite browser: Librewolf
Favorite Apps: Vim/Neovim (not even close to anything else)

  • I'm not paranoid, though. (It's not paranoia if everyone agrees with you, most people just don't care)
  • I love FOSS culture and hate corporations with passion.
  • For messaging I use Discord and Telegram
  • Use old netbook from 2007 and my desktop PC is around the same age.
  • I do watch Luke Smith and "Richard Stallman was right"!
[–] janAkali@lemmy.one 95 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (20 children)

Least cluttered Windows Desktop:

[–] janAkali@lemmy.one 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Duck me in the ark tonight

[–] janAkali@lemmy.one 5 points 1 month ago

Goated movie. They don't make them like that anymore.

[–] janAkali@lemmy.one 2 points 2 months ago


Very fiddly solution with lots of debugging required.


  Vec2 = tuple[x,y: int]
  Box = array[2, Vec2]
  Dir = enum
    U = "^"
    R = ">"
    D = "v"
    L = "<"

proc convertPart2(grid: seq[string]): seq[string] =
  for y in 0..grid.high:
    result.add ""
    for x in 0..grid[0].high:
      result[^1] &= (
        if grid[y][x] == 'O': "[]"
        elif grid[y][x] == '#': "##"
        else: "..")

proc shiftLeft(grid: var seq[string], col: int, range: HSlice[int,int]) =
  for i in range.a ..< range.b:
    grid[col][i] = grid[col][i+1]
  grid[col][range.b] = '.'

proc shiftRight(grid: var seq[string], col: int, range: HSlice[int,int]) =
  for i in countDown(range.b, range.a+1):
    grid[col][i] = grid[col][i-1]
  grid[col][range.a] = '.'

proc box(pos: Vec2, grid: seq[string]): array[2, Vec2] =
  if grid[pos.y][pos.x] == '[':
    [pos, (pos.x+1, pos.y)]
    [(pos.x-1, pos.y), pos]

proc step(grid: var seq[string], bot: var Vec2, dir: Dir) =
  var (x, y) = bot
  case dir
  of U:
    while (dec y; grid[y][x] != '#' and grid[y][x] != '.'): discard
    if grid[y][x] == '#': return
    if grid[bot.y-1][bot.x] == 'O': swap(grid[bot.y-1][bot.x], grid[y][x])
    dec bot.y
  of R:
    while (inc x; grid[y][x] != '#' and grid[y][x] != '.'): discard
    if grid[y][x] == '#': return
    if grid[bot.y][bot.x+1] == 'O': swap(grid[bot.y][bot.x+1], grid[y][x])
    inc bot.x
  of L:
    while (dec x; grid[y][x] != '#' and grid[y][x] != '.'): discard
    if grid[y][x] == '#': return
    if grid[bot.y][bot.x-1] == 'O': swap(grid[bot.y][bot.x-1], grid[y][x])
    dec bot.x
  of D:
    while (inc y; grid[y][x] != '#' and grid[y][x] != '.'): discard
    if grid[y][x] == '#': return
    if grid[bot.y+1][bot.x] == 'O': swap(grid[bot.y+1][bot.x], grid[y][x])
    inc bot.y

proc canMoveVert(box: Box, grid: seq[string], boxes: var HashSet[Box], dy: int): bool =
  boxes.incl box
  var left, right = false
  let (lbox, rbox) = (box[0], box[1])
  let lbigBox = box((lbox.x, lbox.y+dy), grid)
  let rbigBox = box((rbox.x, lbox.y+dy), grid)

  if grid[lbox.y+dy][lbox.x] == '#' or
     grid[rbox.y+dy][rbox.x] == '#': return false
  elif grid[lbox.y+dy][lbox.x] == '.': left = true
    left = canMoveVert(box((lbox.x,lbox.y+dy), grid), grid, boxes, dy)

  if grid[rbox.y+dy][rbox.x] == '.': right = true
  elif lbigBox == rbigBox: right = left
    right = canMoveVert(box((rbox.x, rbox.y+dy), grid), grid, boxes, dy)

  left and right

proc moveBoxes(grid: var seq[string], boxes: var HashSet[Box], d: Vec2) =
  for box in boxes:
    grid[box[0].y][box[0].x] = '.'
    grid[box[1].y][box[1].x] = '.'
  for box in boxes:
    grid[box[0].y+d.y][box[0].x+d.x] = '['
    grid[box[1].y+d.y][box[1].x+d.x] = ']'

proc step2(grid: var seq[string], bot: var Vec2, dir: Dir) =
  case dir
  of U:
    if grid[bot.y-1][bot.x] == '#': return
    if grid[bot.y-1][bot.x] == '.': dec bot.y
      var boxes: HashSet[Box]
      if canMoveVert(box((x:bot.x, y:bot.y-1), grid), grid, boxes, -1):
        grid.moveBoxes(boxes, (0, -1))
        dec bot.y
  of R:
    var (x, y) = bot
    while (inc x; grid[y][x] != '#' and grid[y][x] != '.'): discard
    if grid[y][x] == '#': return
    if grid[bot.y][bot.x+1] == '[': grid.shiftRight(bot.y, bot.x+1..x)
    inc bot.x
  of L:
    var (x, y) = bot
    while (dec x; grid[y][x] != '#' and grid[y][x] != '.'): discard
    if grid[y][x] == '#': return
    if grid[bot.y][bot.x-1] == ']': grid.shiftLeft(bot.y, x..bot.x-1)
    dec bot.x
  of D:
    if grid[bot.y+1][bot.x] == '#': return
    if grid[bot.y+1][bot.x] == '.': inc bot.y
      var boxes: HashSet[Box]
      if canMoveVert(box((x:bot.x, y:bot.y+1), grid), grid, boxes, 1):
        grid.moveBoxes(boxes, (0, 1))
        inc bot.y

proc solve(input: string): AOCSolution[int, int] =
  let chunks = input.split("\n\n")
  var grid = chunks[0].splitLines()
  let movements = chunks[1].splitLines().join().join()

  var robot: Vec2
  for y in 0..grid.high:
    for x in 0..grid[0].high:
      if grid[y][x] == '@':
        grid[y][x] = '.'
        robot = (x,y)

  block p1:
    var grid = grid
    var robot = robot
    for m in movements:
      let dir = parseEnum[Dir]($m)
      step(grid, robot, dir)
    for y in 0..grid.high:
      for x in 0..grid[0].high:
        if grid[y][x] == 'O':
          result.part1 += 100 * y + x

  block p2:
    var grid = grid.convertPart2()
    var robot = (robot.x*2, robot.y)
    for m in movements:
      let dir = parseEnum[Dir]($m)
      step2(grid, robot, dir)

    for y in 0..grid.high:
      for x in 0..grid[0].high:
        if grid[y][x] == '[':
          result.part2 += 100 * y + x

Codeberg Repo

[–] janAkali@lemmy.one 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)


Part 1: there's no need to simulate each step, final position for each robot is
(position + velocity * iterations) modulo grid
Part 2: I solved it interactively: Maybe I just got lucky, but my input has certain pattern: after 99th iteration every 101st iteration looking very different from other. I printed first couple hundred iterations, noticed a pattern and started looking only at "interesting" grids. It took 7371 iterations (I only had to check 72 manually) to reach an easter egg.

  Vec2 = tuple[x,y: int]
  Robot = object
    pos, vel: Vec2

  GridRows = 101
  GridCols = 103

proc examine(robots: seq[Robot]) =
  for y in 0..<GridCols:
    for x in 0..<GridRows:
      let c = robots.countIt(it.pos == (x, y))
      stdout.write if c == 0: '.' else: char('0'.ord + c)
    stdout.write '\n'

proc solve(input: string): AOCSolution[int, int] =
  var robots: seq[Robot]
  for line in input.splitLines():
    let parts = line.split({' ',',','='})
    robots.add Robot(pos: (parts[1].parseInt,parts[2].parseInt),
                     vel: (parts[4].parseInt,parts[5].parseInt))

  block p1:
    var quads: array[4, int]
    for robot in robots:
        newX = (robot.pos.x + robot.vel.x * 100).euclmod GridRows
        newY = (robot.pos.y + robot.vel.y * 100).euclmod GridCols
        relRow = cmp(newX, GridRows div 2)
        relCol = cmp(newY, GridCols div 2)
      if relRow == 0 or relCol == 0: continue
      inc quads[int(relCol>0)*2 + int(relRow>0)]

    result.part1 = quads.foldl(a*b)

  block p2:
    if GridRows != 101: break p2
    var interesting = 99
    var interval = 101

    var i = 0
    while true:
      for robot in robots.mitems:
        robot.pos.x = (robot.pos.x + robot.vel.x).euclmod GridRows
        robot.pos.y = (robot.pos.y + robot.vel.y).euclmod GridCols
      inc i

      if i == interesting:
        echo "Iteration #", i, "; Do you see an xmas tree?[N/y]"
        if stdin.readLine().normalize() == "y":
          result.part2 = i
        interesting += interval

Codeberg Repo

[–] janAkali@lemmy.one 1 points 2 months ago


I'm embarrasingly bad with math. Couldn't have solved this one without looking up the solution. =C

type Vec2 = tuple[x,y: int64]

  PriceA = 3
  PriceB = 1
  ErrorDelta = 10_000_000_000_000

proc isInteger(n: float): bool = n.round().almostEqual(n)
proc `+`(a: Vec2, b: int): Vec2 = (a.x + b, a.y + b)

proc solveEquation(a, b, prize: Vec2): int =
  let res_a = (prize.x*b.y - prize.y*b.x) / (a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x)
  let res_b = (a.x*prize.y - a.y*prize.x) / (a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x)
  if res_a.isInteger and res_b.isInteger:
    res_a.int * PriceA + res_b.int * PriceB
  else: 0

proc solve(input: string): AOCSolution[int, int] =
  let chunks = input.split("\n\n")
  for chunk in chunks:
    let lines = chunk.splitLines()
    let partsA = lines[0].split({' ', ',', '+'})
    let partsB = lines[1].split({' ', ',', '+'})
    let partsC = lines[2].split({' ', ',', '='})

    let a = (parseBiggestInt(partsA[3]), parseBiggestInt(partsA[6]))
    let b = (parseBiggestInt(partsB[3]), parseBiggestInt(partsB[6]))
    let c = (parseBiggestInt(partsC[2]), parseBiggestInt(partsC[5]))

    result.part1 += solveEquation(a,b,c)
    result.part2 += solveEquation(a,b,c+ErrorDelta)

Probably a long way from being daily-driven, but I really love the idea.
Interview with creator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMzbVBpjFiM

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