He didn't say Mexico City. He said "Mexico."
The top reason: the badge fell off for some reason, and I do not care enough to replace it.
Are we censoring Pepe now?
You sure that's hard wood? You sure it's not laminate designed to look like hard wood?
Step one to fixing it would be actually finding out what it is.
They consented to something that sounds horrible. None of that changes the fact that it sounds horrible.
They seriously gave people a placebo for pain after surgery? That sounds horrible.
My grandmother died in a car accident in the early 70s. My mother still has her purse. In it, there is a receipt for her last rent payment (for a house, not an apartment) which was something ridiculously small, around $35. This was rural Tennessee.
Taconite (Tuesday)
Well, thank goodness the riots worked and the USA was never forged.
(This is a joke, and I know nothing about the riots and their effects.)
Super-Based Man
Technically is the multiple-you form. So, if you're southern: "y'all's kids"