Money is the old economy. Teens have something that adults don't have that is infinitely more valuable than money: attention. This is how, despite having no money, teen taste and culture is so over-represented today.
improvised pepe?
is this meant to be racist?
“horrible tragedy” carries a connotation of it being an accident.
Since there are no connotative dictionaries I cannot definitively say you are incorrect, but I'm willing to climb out on that limb anyway. You are incorrect.
because poor people are already living on the golf course and would really appreciate roofs
30 years ago, I always said "South Korea" and "North Korea" but now I just say "Korea" and "North Korea".
I don't have a question.
I'd also add that posts like this are not how a person effectively supports their friend through Internet drama. Actually, it's extremely counterproductive. Rather, this is how someone addicted to the drama behaves.
I love his old 16-bit game, Chaos. I have the new remake on Steam, but it stopped working a few years ago and hasn't fixed itself yet. :-(
it is a separate “class” of people who’s interests mostly lie with the proletariat, yet their small business or whatever makes them believe and act as though they’re part of the owner class.
We are saying the same thing. It is a con the ruling class run on us to make us betray our interests. It's a lie we tell ourselves because we don't want to believe we're in the "lowest" class. It's a wedge intending to cleave our solidarity.
Not even considering current politics. Most of the games they are promoting may well have been developed in Canada, but by foreign corporations.
Quebec also has a pretty big gaming presence
Yes, but it's not like it's something that any sizeable portion of consumers seek out. The non-indie games have no recognizable Quebec culture, they could have been made anywhere on the planet.
It's not an accident that Quebec has an outsized presence in gaming. The Quebec government went out and made that happen through policy, taxes, subsidies, etc. They have a budget to promote the industry, and I strongly suspect that some money changed hands for Valve to present this angle to consumers when it is all but meaningless to the consumer experience. It's really hard to come up with another explanation and I'm not sure you're trying to offer an alternative or just add colour.
Did romantic feelings have any place in Max Payne 2?