It doesn't
Go back to 6.11
Can I buy 200 GOOD movies for around $1 each?
I agree with your view, I'm not trying to simplify, I think most pro choice people don't want to think of the moral dilemma that abortion is, whether you're in favor or against its legalization it is a complex matter and pretending the other side of this debate is evil or dumb helps no one, each side has it's points and both opinions are completely logical and acceptable imo.
Still human (and I'm pro choice)
I watch around 200 movies a year, I don't think I could buy that many DVDs for the same money I pay for streaming. I also pirate but mostly movies that are not on my streaming services.
Boy of you think 13-year-olds can't shoot you haven't seen shit
Seems reasonable
Point 3 is just wrong.
Japanese don't have easy access to guns and yet Japan has one of the highest suicide rates.
Same with Uruguay, highest suicide rate in America without having easy access to guns.
All I can read is "I don't know how to install linux"
You can update to the latest kernel in Mint.