I have to enter data into payroll for when a teacher covers a class for an absent teacher. Usually, there are 5 teachers who I pay for one hour each. Each teacher has an ID number.
To pay one teacher I have to enter their ID number. Select their job code from a drop down list, tell the database I am adding to it by choosing or entering A in a box. Then I have to pull the date from a drop down list. Then I enter the digit 1 (to pay 1 hour). Then I enter the ID number of the absent teacher. Then I enter the sub request number created by the absent teacher. Then I click "change."
I have to do this for all 5 teachers that covered the class. One-at-an-effing-time.
If I had a "dev" handy, I would say, let me enter the ID, date, and job number for the absent teacher. Let me list the 5 substituting teacher id numbers, and the 1 hour should be the default.
Of course there will never be a 'dev' around because my county purchased the payroll software and no one who is anywhere near using it gets to make the purchasing decisions.
"Oreo was created in 1912 as an imitation of Hydrox."