Where is racism there? I'm Russian myself and I know what I'm saying.
Ok, use Telegram, then don’t cry when they leak your data
Where is racism there? I'm Russian myself and I know what I'm saying.
Ok, use Telegram, then don’t cry when they leak your data
Please stop that.
VK is another FSB's social media lol
If RuSSia invaded your country, you wouldn't say that
ProtonMail was not even against cooperation with the RuSSian terrorist government, and this post was still downvoted, funny.
Have you already decided whether privacy is important to you or not?
And that's why there will be civil wars in RuSSia...
It would be funny if, for example, Iran did not fulfill/deceived its obligations, as RuSSia did with the West and, in my opinion, one day even with Iran itself.
But these countries may also be terrorist states, like RuSSia, but they probably still have a “credit of trust”, unlike unreliable RuSSia
I like your explanation, and it's true
Pootin also launders oil money offshore, so... all means are good for him.
And yet, he is a “former” KGB officer, a bandit from St. Petersburg who has been involved in dubious schemes since the 90s, so what else could you expect from him...
Haven't you heard anything about the war with Ukraine?