I'm in the process of selling my current car to my sibling so I can get something more fuel efficient with a hatchback. Have my eye on something specific and hopefully nobody snags it up before saturday!
Shiny hatted bebby bee boi
Surely their huge stacks of money will protect them from the bullets, right? Right???
It do be like that sometimes tho
Napoleon Dynamite is like if Superbad was nothing but that scene of Michael Cera singing "These Eyes" by The Guess Who. Just 100% cringe, awkward interactions between the main characters. Like an inside joke that literally nobody is meant to get, even the people "in" on the joke.
Honorable mentions: Nacho Libre (similar in its randomness), Wayne's World (a classic) and Road Trip (similar to Superbad in its frat humor).
I would rather see my taxes go to feed every single kid in this country, poor or rich, than see another cent go into our absurdly bloated military budget, militarization of our police forces, and tax cuts for the rich. THAT is why everyone here is missing the fine print. You don't need to read between the lines to see that haggling down what little the working class has is an exercise in cruelty. It's ridiculous to penny-pinch social safety nets. Period.
The Blood Bond saga. I'm just so genuinely baffled as to how the everloving f*ck it has such high ratings. By the time I was halfway through the first book I was hate-reading it. Pushed myself to finish the whole saga because it was so bad it made me feel comparatively good about myself and my life decisions. I now have zero doubts that anyone in this world can become a published author, including me. But also, this has me seriously worried that ANYONE in this world can become a published author... including me :/
Give the poor nothing and we will have nothing left to lose. eyes guillotine hungrily
White people have a rich history of pairing things that don't belong to be eaten together. (see: ham banana hollandaise)
I had a lot of hope in the lead-up to the initial 2 day blackout, but after seeing literally zero coverage about this across other media platforms I now know there will be no backpedaling on the API changes. The best we can hope for is affecting their income from ads a tiny bit.
Wow Stevey, that's some, uhhhhh.... spot-on prioritizing.
Welp, I’m old. Late 90s/early 00s were my formative trauma years 😩