I'm never clicking on that link, no matter what
Come on, it's a fun book! Yeah the concept is weird but it's not a hard read. It's not the three stigmata of palmer eldritch.
Ohh, first foray into Tchaikovsky? I would love to hear how you fare with more of his books. Specially the third one in that series.
This was my year of easy books, wanted to reach 100 so I read a lot of easy to digest books.
Old man war, from John scalzi Good page turners, fun universe feel good story. Would recommend light read. The science is fun and is integral to the story so it checks a lot of the sci-fi urges.
The interdependency from John Scalzi was also a forgettable but fun Sunday read. The ftl system of a space society is facing issues and the have to work around it.
Murder bot diaries was recommended a ton, I woul add myself to the list of recommenders.
I did my reading of Philip k dick stories this year and I can't recommend them enough. His novels are a different subject, but the short stories you see how the influence all of sci Fi. I'd you read a lot, you have to read his short stories.
Ubik was also great!
This is my Bowie saying hello to yours!
Let's hope for a return after military service, maybe not pro but some small tourney here an there.
I just wanna say I was one of those idiots before. As you, I can't believe how blind I was and I'm sorry.
I'm trying to understand the reason behind all of this. It feels completely unhinged. I know I'm a diamond pleb but still seems like it makes no sense with the objective of the patch.
I like the books and Adrian in general but he seriously needs a better editor. I was skipping whole pages by book 3 of nothing happening but the same inner monologue we already heard 10 times in the same book. I feel it's the same thing that happened in children of memory. His series start so strong and then become way too bloated.
Running mint right now, went back to basics after a stint with majaro. I appreciate the offer but for now the windows distro stays and every few months I will try again. I know so many people have such a seamless experience. That is what makes it way more frustrating.
I know this is a very common experience, but for me it fails. The list is too long but belive me I've tried it. It's probably some weird driver issue or some thing I use for x y or z that conflicts. Who knows.
Can't believe we will reach 200