Interesting - why avoid asterisk?
I looked into fusion to play with but I’ve been using asterisk casually since like the 00s with no issues.
Interesting - why avoid asterisk?
I looked into fusion to play with but I’ve been using asterisk casually since like the 00s with no issues.
What are you trying to understand and what type of project are you looking at? Are you looking to run a program or use a library?
Good documentation to me is here’s how to get this installed, here’s a basic overview of getting started, here’s all the methods/functions with their arguments and a description, and optionally some very basic examples programs to sanity check everything is working ok.
You may have facts but there are like 10 people here saying they won’t buy a Tesla so…
I did. It’s rambling and unclear. I was trying to help the best I could. Good luck.
I don’t know what you’re doing and what you’re really asking.
You want a static site? Hugo or jekyll.
You can host them with git hub/lab pages for free.
There are options for contact forms but it will require additional setup. Searching for what you want + platform + tutorial should help point you in the right direction. (Eg
Ok. Probably echo link then. In short - the repeater uses the internet as another transport. Other repeaters can link up, or you can even use their application to activate repeaters right from your computer.
You can also do similar things with other digital modes (DMR etc) but they require special radios that speak that standard.
What band mode and frequency?
I wound up with gollum. Git based with a wiki format. Works well enough for my limited use.
Parks On The Air.
Essentially a spotting/sked network for people operating out of state parks. You can “hunt” stations from home or you can “activate” a park by visiting one with your equipment, setting up and making 10 (IIRC) contacts. It’s a nice way to get out and explore some local parks!
There’s also SOTA - summits on the air, which is similar but operates from the tops of mountains.
Right on. I’ll keep an eye out for ya!
Congrats! If you haven’t yet, check out pota. Gives a nice little set of goals and community for outdoor operating.
And start studying for your general! The test isn’t much more difficult than Tech but the increase in privileges is night and day!
Ah yes that makes sense. I was taken aback by my latest install of freepbx. I feel it wasn’t as aggressive during the Digium days but it definitely left a bad taste in my mouth.
I heard good things about free switch, although it seems like a paradigm change. I’ll have to check it out.