
joined 2 years ago
[–] 0 points 5 days ago (1 children)

@poVoq Not being able to follow hashtags and see replies outside the echo chamber sounds like kind of a pain.

Thanks for sharing your notes.

[–] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

@FartsWithAnAccent I saw a split bike seat a decade ago. Rider said it was very comfortable. Maybe this variant is different because it tilts too. 🤷

[–] 1 points 11 months ago


After testing ssmtp, nullmailer, and msmtp for relay-only outgoing mail on Fedora #Linux. Here's my final report:

- ssmtp is packaged for Fedora and I got it working, but the Ansible role I found for it had been abandoned by the author because ssmtp itself is unmaintained.
- nullmailer might have worked, but is not packaged for Fedora.
- msmtp worked. I used this Ansible role, after patching it to work on Fedora:

[–] 6 points 11 months ago (2 children)


ssmtp is unmaintained.

msmtp is the recommended successor. The Arch wiki recommends also considering OpenSMTPD, which I haven't looked at yet.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

@intensely_human It was a weird option to include in the survey anyway, along with giant sports arena.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

@ajsadauskas @fuck_cars I built free software to quantify amenity categories within a 10-min walk:

My default categories:

- Arts / cultural space
- Bank / ATM
- Bar / pub
- Barber
- Bike shop
- Bus stop / Rail Station
- Café / Tea Shop
- Car share station
- Community center / place of worship
- Daycare
- Fitness or Sports Center
- Grocery store
- Hardware store
- Laundromat
- Library
- Liquor / cannabis store
- Park
- Pharmacy
- Restaurant
- School
- Retail / boutique


How I fixed not having an IPv6 address at home

On a "What is my IP" site I found it was no longer reporting an IPv6 address when I knew my ISP had assigned one.

I realized the problem what I had added an additional router was now double NAT'ed, breaking IPv6.

The solution was to go into my nested router's settings and enable "bridge mode" AKA "Wireless AP" mode, which put it in the same IP range as the ISP router and resolved the issue.



@ergomechkeyboards Num row feels different today but cat tail why.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

@lambchop I wouldn't call the Miryoku layout bad. I think has some elegance and consistency to it, but I strongly prefer one shot modifiers, which Miryoku doesn't have room for. I created an alternate layout that includes a sixth column on each hand for rarely-used or optional keys. My "markstos" layout is also in the QMK repo for Corne keyboards. There are several other differences as well! I have a page about it here:

#keyboards #ergomechkeyboards


Two great #ios apps that #Fediverse folks should know about:

  1. Mona is full-featured Mastodon app. Several features are available in a paid Pro version with a one-time fee to support development. I liked Metatext but Mona is better!
  2. Memmy is a Lemmy app, providing a #Reddit type experience.

Great UX on both!
@MonaApp @memmy