hey, don't forget pillaging! pillagers so often go unrecognized these days, next to the rapes and racism and genocide, and I feel like, in a society with such rabid property fetishism, we could very much stand to give them more of the recognition they deserve, instead of shuffling them off to an 'etc'.
joined 3 weeks ago
fucking white men DEIing themselves into fucking everything. it's disgusting, and it pushes out competent people everywhere.
how could anyone fail to suspect any institution that put one of these incompetent diversity hires in charge?
can someone explain to me the difference between corporate and government censorship, when corporations and the government are definitely fucking?
fascism must always create more outsiders, must always create more enemies to keep control, to keep things directed.
remember, fascism appropriates genuine upset and the fact that to the privileged, equality feels like persecution. it steers itself by creating enemies to hate. remember: people's lives are genuinely fucking miserable. there is dystopian shit happening. and all of that is really complicated, and if people stopped to think about it for five minutes, they would pull a 1789.
so they just keep adding more enemies, and more derangements like what the qanons call 'baking' but hitler just said was the way everyone should read books, until they live in a totally unhinged fantasy world, and any method of social control must engage with the fantasy.
tl;dr: sacrificing external allies to fuel a persecution complex, keep control, entrench the madness, keep attention off the american elites that were at least rhetorically some of the initial targets.